1.The Qur'an Sura e Nisa

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The Qur'an (Palmer)/Nisa





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< The Qur'an (Palmer)

Imrân′s family

The Qurʼân

The Chapter of Women

The table

The Chapter of Women.

(Ⅳ. Medînah.)

In the name of the merciful and compassionate God.

O ye folk ! fear your Lord, who created you from one soul, and created therefrom its mate, and diffused from them twain many men and women. And fear God, in whose name ye beg of one another, and the wombs ; verily, God over you doth watch[1].

And give unto the orphans their property, and give them not the vile in exchange for the good, and devour not their property to your own property; verily, that were a great sin. But if ye fear that ye cannot do justice between orphans, then marry what seems good to you of women, by twos, or threes, or fours ; and if ye fear that ye cannot be equitable, then only one, or what your right hands possess[2]. That keeps you nearer to not being partial.

And give women their dowries freely; and if they ​are good enough to remit any of it of themselves, then devour it with good digestion and appetite[3].

But do not give up to fools[4] their property which God has made you to stand by; but maintain them from it, and clothe them, and speak to them with a reasonable speech. 5 Prove orphans until they reach a marriageable age, and if ye perceive in them right management, then hand over to them their property, and do not devour it extravagantly in anticipation of their growing up. And he who is rich, let him abstain ; but he who is poor, let him devour in reason, and when ye hand over to them their property, then take witnesses against them ; but God sufficeth for taking account.

Men should have a portion of what their parents and kindred leave, and women should have a portion of what their parents and kindred leave, whether it be little or much, a determined portion. And when the next of kin and the orphans and the poor are present at the division, then maintain them out of it, and speak to them a reasonable speech. 10 And let these fear lest they leave behind them a weak seed, for whom they would be afraid; and let them fear God, and speak a straightforward speech. Verily, those who devour the property of orphans unjustly, only devour into their bellies fire, and they shall broil in flames.

​God instructs you concerning your children ; for a male the like of the portion of two females, and if there be women above two, then let them have two-thirds of what (the deceased) leaves ; and if there be but one, then let her have a half; and as to the parents, to each of them a sixth of what he leaves, if he has a son ; but if he have no son, and his parents inherit, then let his mother have a third, and if he have brethren, let his mother have a sixth after payment of the bequest he bequeaths and of his debt.

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