2.The Qurʼân The Chapter of Imrân's family

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The Qur'an Imran





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< The Qur'an

The Qurʼân 

The Chapter of Imrân’s family


The Chapter of Imrân’s Family.

(III. Medina.)

In the name of the merciful and compassionate God.

A.L.M. God, there is no god but He, the living, the self-subsistent. He has sent down to thee the Book in truth, confirming what was before it, and has revealed the law, and the gospel before for the guidance of men, and has revealed the Discrimination.

Verily, those who disbelieve in the signs of God, for them is severe torment, for God is mighty and avenging.

Verily, God, there is nothing hidden from Him in the earth, nor in the heaven; He it is who fashions ​you in the womb as He pleases. There is no God but He, the mighty, the wise.

5 He it is who has revealed to thee the Book, of which there are some verses that are decisive, they are the mother[1] of the Book ; and others ambiguous ; but as for those in whose hearts is perversity, they follow what is ambiguous, and do crave for sedition, craving for (their own) interpretation of it; but none know the interpretation of it except God. But those who are well grounded in knowledge say, ‘ We believe in it; it is all from our Lord ; but none will remember save those who possess minds.’

‘O Lord! pervert not our hearts again when Thou hast guided them, and grant us mercy from Thee, for Thou art He who grants. O Lord! Thou shalt gather together men unto the day wherein is no doubt. Verily, God will not depart from His promise.’

Verily, those who misbelieve, their wealth shall not help them, nor their children, against God at all; and they it is who are the fuel of the fire.

As was the wont of Pharaoh’s people, and those before them, they said our signs were lies, and God caught them up in their sins, for God is severe to punish.

10 Say to those who misbelieve, ‘Ye shall be overcome and driven together to hell, an ill couch will it be.

‘Ye have had a sign in the two parties who met; one party fighting in the way of God, the other misbelieving; these saw twice the same number as themselves to the eye-sight[2], for God aids ​with His help those whom He pleases.’ Verily, in that is a lesson for those who have perception. Seemly unto men is a life of lusts, of women, and children, and hoarded talents of gold and silver, and of horses well-bred, and cattle, and tilth;— that is the provision for the life of this world; but God, with Him is the best resort.

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