~Zuru x Havi~angst to fluff

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Title: Hidden Hearts

Zuru and Havi had always been close. From the moment they met during college orientation, there was an unspoken bond, one that seemed to transcend the typical boundaries of friendship. Both in relationships-Zuru with his girlfriend, Mina, and Havi with his girlfriend, Ciya-they led seemingly ordinary lives. But behind the smiles and dinner dates with their partners, Zuru and Havi harbored a secret that they fought to keep hidden from the world. They were in love with each other, deeply, undeniably, and completely.

It had started innocently enough-late-night texts that turned into hours-long phone calls, casual hugs that lingered too long, and smiles that meant more than they should have. Soon enough, they found themselves stealing moments together, sneaking glances when no one was looking, and hiding their growing affection from Mina and Ciya. What began as subtle hints of attraction had blossomed into something neither of them could ignore.

It wasn't long before their emotions reached a breaking point. One quiet evening after a movie night at Havi's apartment, they found themselves alone, the tension thick in the air. As Zuru sat beside Havi, their hands brushed against each other. That simple touch sparked something undeniable, and before they knew it, Zuru leaned in, closing the distance between them. Their kiss was soft, hesitant, but filled with longing-a kiss that felt like home.

From that night on, their secret relationship deepened. They met in secret, finding moments to be alone whenever they could. The guilt was always there, lingering in the background, but the pull they felt toward each other was stronger. They couldn't help themselves, falling more and more in love as each day passed.

But secrets like theirs have a way of unraveling, no matter how carefully they're kept.

One warm Saturday afternoon, Mina and Ciya decided to surprise their boyfriends by showing up unexpectedly at Havi's place. Mina had brought snacks, and Ciya had picked out a movie she thought they would all enjoy. They giggled to themselves, excited to spend some time together. But as they entered the apartment, their laughter faded when they saw something they hadn't expected.

Zuru and Havi were standing in the living room, their arms around each other, locked in a kiss so tender, it was as if nothing else in the world existed. Shock rippled through Mina and Ciya as they stood frozen, the scene playing out in front of them.

The sound of the door closing behind Mina snapped Zuru and Havi out of their world, and they quickly pulled apart, their faces pale with panic. The room fell silent, the air thick with tension. Mina and Ciya exchanged glances, a mixture of disbelief and hurt written on their faces.

"Mina... Ciya... we-" Zuru started, his voice shaky.

Havi stepped forward, his eyes pleading. "We never meant to hurt you. This wasn't how we wanted you to find out."

For a moment, it seemed as though time had stopped. Mina's eyes filled with tears, and Ciya stood with her arms crossed, looking like she was trying to process what she'd just witnessed.

Then, to everyone's surprise, Mina let out a small sigh. "I knew something was different between you two," she said softly. "I just didn't know it was this."

Ciya, though quiet, nodded. "You've been pulling away for months, Havi. I could feel it."

Zuru and Havi exchanged a nervous glance, unsure of what to say. They had feared this moment, but now that it was here, it wasn't unfolding in the explosive way they had imagined.

Mina took a deep breath, her voice steady. "It hurts, but... I think deep down, I always knew. If you two love each other, I won't stand in the way."

Ciya's voice was softer now, her expression more understanding. "You should have been honest with us. But I get it... I get why you were scared."

The relief on Zuru and Havi's faces was palpable. They had expected anger, maybe even hatred, but instead, they were met with a surprising amount of acceptance.

Over the next few weeks, things changed drastically. Mina and Ciya, while hurt, began to heal, realizing that Zuru and Havi's love was real and genuine. They slowly drifted apart from their former boyfriends, focusing on their own lives and new beginnings. And as for Zuru and Havi, they took the step they had been too afraid to dream of-they moved in together.

Their new home was small but cozy, filled with the laughter and love that had once been hidden away. Each morning, they woke up in each other's arms, grateful that they no longer had to hide their affection. They cooked breakfast together, went for evening walks, and shared the kind of love that they had only ever dreamed of before. The guilt that once haunted them was replaced with a sense of peace and fulfillment.

Zuru and Havi's love grew stronger with each passing day, no longer burdened by secrets or fear. They built a life together, one full of warmth, honesty, and devotion. Though their journey had been complicated and full of heartache, they had found their way to each other, and that was all that mattered.

In the end, they loved each other in the open, with nothing to hide, cherishing every moment they spent together, knowing they had finally found the love they had always been searching for.

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