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I walked into English glass and sat in between my best friends, Cassie Prescott and Sophie Minnich. And behind me was Ashley Lambert who was the dumbest, yet most popular girl at Redwood High. I have never met anyone who is so dumb, who tries to act even dumber for guys. Like how is that even possible? Of course every guys adores her, and every girl wants to be her.  But I don't understand why. I'm pretty sure its because no one actually notices that shes pretty dumb; even my best friends don't see it. 

I feel a soft tap on the shoulder. I turn my head which causes to me look at Ashley. She gives me a dirty look. 

"What are you looking at, dirtbag?" She says with a disgusted face.

"You tapped me on the shoulder..." I say with a slightly confused face.

"Hell no!" She shouted; "I'd never touch your ugly ass!" 

Everyone in the room started staring at us. Some kid from the left corner broke the silence by saying, "I saw you tap her right shoulder, Ashley" Then looked at me with a: I've got your back kinda smirk. I smiled back by saying thank you. I was wondering why he was helping me though. Because everyone thought Ashley was the most popular, prettiest, and just plain out perfect girl you will ever meet. So maybe he was just trying to be nice? Who knows. I notice Ashley staring at me from the corner of my eye which causes our eyes to meet. She rolls her eyes and looks away. I turn back around facing the board and Mr.Neely. The first bell rings to start the period and class starts. I couldn't pay attention to anything Mr.Neely was saying because I couldn't stop thinking about why he helped me. I kept trying to pick up what he was talking about but it turned out to be useless. 

45 minutes later, the bell rings to end that period. Me, Cassie, and Sophie all stand up and walk towards the door. 

"So Lauren, are you going to my party this weekend?" Cassie says with a hoping i'd say yes tone.

"Haha yes. Of course! Are you Sophie?" I say laughing

"I so wish I could, but I can't." Sophie says with a sad face. "I'm going to Madison with my parents for the weekend." I look behind me and there is that one kid who helped me this morning. 

"Hey guys, I'll meet you guys at my locker in a few minutes." I say as I stopped and looked at that kid.

"Okay!" They both say and turned around and continued walking. I walk to that kid and turn around so I'm next to him. 

"Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for taking my side this morning" I say smirking.

"Haha no problem. You looked like you needed it." He says with a accent and smirking back.

"But why? Don't you adore Ashley just like everyone else?" I say with an annoyed tone.

"No actually I don't. It pisses me off how everyone loves her when she's a total bitch."

"Really?!" I reply surprised. "I thought everyone in the school loved her. I mean everyone. Not one person doesn't"

"Well, I mean she's not bad looking. It's just she acts so dumb. I'm not quite sure if she is actually really stupid or she just acts like it. But I have noticed that she tends to act unbelievably idiotic  around guys more then normal."

"Oh my gosh! I think you finally see the real her!! Haha. But yeah, I'm pretty sure she's both. But whatever. If you leave her alone, She'll leave you alone. Unless you're me. Then there is no way to avoid her. And trust me, I've tried."

"Ha awe, well I'm sorry about that"

"It's fine. I'm used to it. But I don't think I got your name?" I say as I look at the trophy case while we're walking down the main hall.

"Oh yeah haha. I'm Harry. Harry Styles. You are?" 

"I am Lauren Anderson. Nice to meet you. How come I've never noticed you?"

"Nice to meet you too. And mostly because I moved here about 2 months ago but I'm kind of shy"

"Ha, well you don't seem that shy to me." 

"Well, you're...different." He smiled. "Well, I gotta go. I'll see you later or tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure! Bye!" I answer smiling and waving as we walk opposite directions.


 Guys, I am so sorry this is really bad omg haha. I suck at writing.

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I'll be updating this a lot cause I have a feeling about this story. Anyways..ENJOY!! :)

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