Chapter 21 darkness

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*Later that night Cyn walks down into the basement walking deep in and moves some boxes.  Turning on a small lamp  drone's bodies can be seen collected into a pile grabbing an arm she rips it apart and drinks the oil from it while sitting on the pile*

Cyn: stupid J making me unable to spend time with them but I can't get rid of her yet Y/N would get mad at me just got to think of something... can't control them thanks to that firewall...

*above in the pitch-black night A crow dives into Tessa's room looking around it  opens a doll house grabbing a blue chip it snaps it before grabbing bother pieces and flying out*

*Memory 26%*

*the next day*

N pov

*waking up N sees J who is lying against Y/N well they are both still asleep walking to V and waking her up they get ready to do their job*

*2 hours later*

Y/N pov

*walking up and noticing J resting her head on them they move her to the well to not disturb her picks her up and puts her in their bed then get's ready and walk's out walking to a window cill and opens it only for a robotic crow with purple eyes to land on their arm looking down at the crow its purple eyes gleamed well looking at Y/N when it flew to their shoulder*

Y/N: well that's interesting most of the robotic animals have yellow eyes and arnt this friendly

Crow: Caw

Y/N: well if you're going to stick with me I should probably give you a name... how about VIlote

Crow: *shakes its head*

Y/N: midnight

Crow" *shakes its head*

Y/N: humm *locking around they see a photo of a human welding a Uzi* how bout Uzi

Crow: *caws happily*

Y/N: uzi it is well I better get my morning chores done

*After doing the daily chores Y/N meets V & N well they are talking in a hallway*

Y/N: hey guys

N: oh Y/N he.. is that a crow on your shoulder

Y/N: yep flew in from a window and had just been sitting on my shoulder

V: oh well that's nice

Y/N: ya so how's your guy's day going

V: it's going good we got our chores done early even Cyn got hers done

Y/N: speaking of Cyn where is she

Cyn: behind you

Y/N: hey Cyn...!


*turning behind them Y/N see's

*turning behind them Y/N see's

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the image above*

Y/N; *blinks*

Cyn: you okay Y/N

Y/N: hmm ya I'm fine Just seeing things *pets Cyn*

Cyn: ^^.. *notices the crow* oh you have a crow...

Y/N: ya it just came in when I opened the window and hasn't left my side

Cyn: oh

Y/N: yep

J: what are you guys talking about

N: oh Y/N has a... umm where did the crow go

Y/N: what do you mean it's on my shoulders.. ! well that's not good

J: you know what I'm not going to ask Y/N

Y/N: ya?

J: Can you come here

Y/N: *walking to J* ya

J:*Kiss them* Y didn't you wake me up

Cyn: *is looking mad*Wispers* if Y/N and Tessa Didint care for you id kill you

N: you say something

Cyn: nothing big brother N

Y/N: you just looked so cute well you were asleep so I didn't have the heart to wake you uo

J: 0//////0 Y are you like this

Y/N: that's for me to know and for you, my cute kitten to never find out

*in the master study a crow can be seen looking for something inside of one of the desks after digging through it they lift up and break a red chip before leaving through a window*

*in a room a drone can be seen on the floor hooked up to a crtv and text appears on it*

*Memory 36% Solver fire wall weakening Agies rebooting* 

*three Drone's can be seen looking at the drone and another drone hooked up*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05 ⏰

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