Chapter 12..

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"Is the big bad wolf you are cursing the royal guard Jungkook?." Hobi said, looking at Jungkook, who was now busy ordering the guards around.

My face got some more color on the mention of his name, if it was even possible. "Ahh, he mm?" I was staggering, unable to make a sentence. How am I supposed to tell him. That the said alpha is my mate. I'm too shy and embarrassed.

"Don't think I haven't noticed the way you two look at each other. Just spill the beans. We have all the time in the world, by the way. Precisely one week. Even if you don't tell me, I will squeeze the truth out of you anyway. You can't lie to your best friend, you know." Hobi said, wiggling his eyebrows. A mischief glint in his eyes.

I was about to blabber everything when alpha Kim Taehyung peeked into our carriage through its window. "We are going to depart now." He said eyes solemnly focused on my best friend. "If you get a migraine, you can ride on horse." He said words clearly directed to Hobi.

"Okey." He said, looking in the opposite direction. Not to forget, his body has absorbed all the color from me a while ago. Now he is looking like a beetroot. Interesting.

Alpha Kim Taehyungs gaze lingered on Hobi for a little long, his eyes traveling up and down his body before a small smirk spread across his face. He pushed himself off the carriage with a chuckle.

While this whole exchange was taking place, I was looking back and forth dumbfounded, mouth agape.

"Well well well what do we have here. I thought you were going to squeeze the truth out of me. Look at this, how the tables have turned. "I said. Now, I'm wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"It's mm you know ahh that. " He said, looking everywhere but me.

"Yeap yeap, take your time. we have all the time in the world, precisely one week, you know." I said, enjoying this a little too much.

"Ok, fine, stop it. He is my mate." He partially screamed, covering his tomato face behind his hands. But he recovered fast, Turing the questions back to me.

I confessed everything to him too, about how I found my mate and all. We both started to fill in all the gaps to each other, telling everything. And at some point, we decided it would be a bad idea to announce us finding our mate right now. One Jungkook is a guard, and I'm a prince. I don't know how the elders and everyone will take it. So I will announce once I'm back to the kingdom.

We were so engrossed in our stories that we didn't even notice it was almost dark outside. The carriages stopped for the day near a small bank of river. A knock on the window brought us back to the present. Now it was Jungkook who was leaning in.

I looked out of the other window to see all the servants setting up food and tents a little away from the carriage.

"You must be hungry. Let's grab something to eat first. Once the tents are set, you both can take rest it must have been exhausting to travel all day. We can leave in the early morning once the sun rises." He said, opening the door wide.

I dropped the vail back on my face. And looked over at Hobi, who was busy searching for something in his bag.

"I will join you in a minute. Go ahead. " He mumbled, head still buried deep in the bag.

"OK. " I said before stepping out. Jungkook offered his hand for me to hold climbing down the stairs. But me being me stepped out the carriage on my own without his help and said with puffed chest."See, I can do it on my own. "

Being out of the boundaries of the palace is different. Everything is new. I feel like I just stepped out of a cage rather than a carriage.

I don't want Jungkook to think I'm a caged bird. Who can't do anything without servants or maids. Like a spoiled rich royal.

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⏰ Last updated: 14 hours ago ⏰

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