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Ian is five when he first learns about soulmates. 

He's in his first year of school and the teacher mentions how her and her "soulmate" had a lovely weekend. 

Of course, being the curious child he was, he asked his mom about it when he got picked up from school that day.

"Mommy? What're soulmates?" He asked as he sat in the backseat of the car while his mom drove them home. 

She blinked quickly, trying to think of a simple enough response to give a child as young as her son. "Well, soulmates are the person you'll love forever."

"Does that mean you're my soulmate Mommy? Because I'll love you and Daddy forever."

Ian's mom smiled, warmed by her son's sweetness. "No honey. A soulmate is somebody outside of family that will always love you, in a way that's very different then how your father and I love you. Do you see the writing on your arm?" 

Ian glanced at the swirly writing that was etched into his pale skin. He was too young to read out the letters, but he knew it was there. "Yeah, Mommy. I see it."

"The top line is the first words your soulmate will say to you, the second line are the last ones."

"But, Mummy, how will I know if they're my soulmate? I won't know when they're gonna say the last words." 

His mom smiled, she knew that question was coming. "You won't know for sure, that's the bad part. But you'll know in a way. The person will make your stomach flutter, make your chest feel warm... trust me. You'll know when someone is the one." 

Ian was excited now. "What does mine say?!"

His mom smiled fondly once more, reciting to him the words she'd easily memorized. "The first line is, "oh, I'm sorry" and the second one is.. well, I can't read it."

Ian tilted his head, leaning forward to peer at his mother. "What do you mean?"

"You're the only one who can see the last words, and you don't tell anyone what they say, okay? But don't go looking for your soulmate, they'll come to you when the time is right." 

Ian told himself to keep that in mind.


Ian is eight when he questions his mom even further on the subject of soulmates.

He's been able to read the words etched into his wrist since he was six, a simple but sweet set of last words. "You're my everything." 

"Mom, how did you and Dad meet?" Little Ian asked, leaning over the table after they'd just finished dinner, his dad being on overtime at work. 

"Well, we met in college. I was just working in a bake shop on campus, and he'd never been there. His friends convinced him to give it a try, and he showed up one evening, just before closing time. I knew he was the one before he even said anything. He walked right into the glass front door, and that's how I knew he was my soulmate."

"How did you know without him talking?" Ian asked, hoping it could one day be that easy for him. 

"I saw his face, and I just felt like my world was complete. No further explanation or thought needed."

"Where did soulmates come from? Where do these words come from?" Ian asked, never running out of questions to ask. He drew a finger over his arm, as he constantly found himself doing.

His mother paused to think for a moment. "Well, it was said that many years ago people had to find their soulmate without any guidance. They had no words on them, no indication to tell them what they needed to know, they were dependent upon their own feelings. But, humans continue to evolve. I'll explain more when you're older sweetie, I promise." 

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