12. Salt

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It's been about two days since my mom dropped that bomb on me

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It's been about two days since my mom dropped that bomb on me.

"Son, I know how much you love your father, but he's losing his mind. He's about to betray the Templetons and take over the company for himself. He knows how powerful that family is and doesn't get how easily he could end up dead. He's teamed up with Peter Clarkson, and I'm so scared Claude."—She paused to catch her breath—"Please, son, leave that mansion as soon as you get this message. I love you, honey."

Peter Clarkson was back.

Peter is one of the most powerful men in the US. His business has nothing to do with chemical engineering or products, but his name comes up everywhere I go. Some people talk about him with respect, others with fear. I knew my dad was scared of him, and I had no idea why; even though he denied it, I could tell when someone was afraid.

Why would my dad team up with someone like him? Is he trying to befriend an enemy? Or is he being forced to?

Just thinking about my family being threatened gives me chills.

And then there's Feather.

I can feel her eyes burning into the back of my head like she's trying to read my mind. But I can't let her know what's happening; I can't drag her into this mess.

Part of me wants to run to Noah and spill everything, but it's my family we're talking about. How could I betray them? But if I don't, I'd be betraying those who've always stood by me. Noah.

Dipping her fries into mustard and chewing slowly, I can sense she wants to say something. But she just takes a deep breath and holds it all back.

I feel so guilty.

My phone buzzes—a call from my father and a text from my mother.

I can't read this here. I need to go.

Isla is almost done with her food. Taking a few deep breaths, I text Xavier to come pick Feather up and take her home.

I need to find somewhere quiet to deal with whatever my father has to say.

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