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Mina Pov.

"hey did you hear about a new student that arrived this morning"one of my classmates said make me look at her.

"Uhh no why?"The other one said while shrugging her shoulder.

"I saw her walk to the principal's office this morning and she was tall but she look like a nerd"
She said while making a disgusting face.

"Hey Jihyo did you know about the new student that arrived today?"I asked Jihyo and she looked at me.

"Yeah of course I know as a class president"she said while making a proud face."why asking?"she added.

"Oh nothing I just want to know"I said playing with my phone.

A few minutes later a bell ring means study time

After the bell rings a lecturer comes in with a tall girl behind her so the students in the class start whispering to each other's ear.

"Okay class before we start I want to introduce you to your new classmate"he said before looking at the tall girl"please introduce yourself"he said to her.

"Okay...My name is Kobayashi Hina nice to meet you all"she said and bowed after introducing herself.

"Hina-shii you can sit beside Mina at the back"he said before pointing at me.

"Sure sir"she said and walked from the front to me make me nervous somehow .

She walked to me and she smiled at me 'cute'I thought.I just said what?!.

And she sits beside me and we study like usual.

3rd person Pov.

The bell rang to mark the end of the first lesson
The lecturer go out and the class feel relax.

Mina look at Hina"she does look like a nerd"Mina thought.Hina feel a person eye are on her so she look around and found Mina who staring at her.
She can't deny Hina heart almost drop on the floor when she found mina stare at her.

"バカ"Hina said whispery but Mina can hear it clearly"sorry what you just talk about?"Mina talked back of course this conversation in japanese.

"そんな風に私を見ないで"means'Don't look at me like that'with a fierce look.Make Mina go speechless "oh okay"mina just say that word and stare at her table.

"She scary"Mina thought.

After that the next class start a few minutes later.

Fast forward >>>>>>

(Academy Cafè)

Nayeon Pov.

As we in the cafe I look at Mina and she quiet she usually like that but this time more quiet she don't talk to us.

I pinch Jihyo and she looks at me with a glare and I point Mina with my lips Jihyo just shrugged it off.

Suddenly I remember something from this morning.

"Gays...means guys I have something to tell"I said with serious look and the girls look at me including Mina who just stare at her Americano since earlier.

"What'something' you want to tell us unnie ?" Jeongyeon asked me make me smile widely.

"This Morning I bump into someone she so cool"
I said hit someone shoulder beside me.

"She?"Jeongyeon asked again.I simply said yeah to her she just nod .

"So where is she now?"Sana asked me."I don't really know since I bump into her at the gate and this academy too many students I don't really know who it is she student here or passer by"I explain with sad face.

3rd person pov.

"Oh don't be sad unnie maybe we will meet her soon"as Sana said that The said person just passed them with 7 people with her.

They are GOT7 they number one bully at Jyp Academy people call them newbie destroyer.
Well they are bullies and make the 'rookie' in this academy suffer.

"Yo what's up rookie so what are you?a nerd?" Hahahahahahahaha"the leader said and laugh the other laugh too.

"Tch..ガキ"Hina said which the boys can't hear what she said .

"What you just said?"a guy name jackson asked since he saw her mouth humming something.

Hina looked at him acting like scared"No..thin..g I don't s..ay any..thing"She said with fake sobbing.

Hahahahaha look I just asked her and she cried wawawa"Jackson said and mock her.

"They are lucky I don't want problems on my first day"Hina said in thought.

"Ahh enough she is no fun to play with lets go"
Bambam said and they leave.

As the group of bully not in her sight she stand up
and sigh"how unlucky on first day"Hina said take off her glass and tuck her hair to the back.

"Wow unnie nice acting"she heard a giggle that she always hear.

She rolls her eye and look at the owner of the voice"ugh..jen what are you doing here?"

[FYI-She has step siblings which is Jisoo,jennie and seungmin .The three fathers remarried to Hina's mother when Hina was 14 years old and Jisoo and Hina have the same age now they 22]

Back to the story »↓

"Why duh we litterly entered the same academy"
Jennie said in a sassy tone.

"Ohh you funny"she just chuckle.

"I miss you"jennie said while pouting.

Hina make disgusting face to Jennie"you look ugly don't do that"Hina said teasing her.

"Yah I sincerely said that to you...it's been 2 years you know"Jennie said to Hina.

"Yeah but lets continue this talk when we get home"Hina said and jennie widen her eye's.

"You go to our parents house for dinner tonight"
Jennie said happily.

"Calm down..yeah I go for dinner tonight"She said
with smile.

After talk Hina wear her glasses back and take down her bangs nd cover her eye's.Slowly walk out from the gym store and go straight to The cafè and order her food.

Fast forward>>>>>>
After eating

"That's good food"she compliment the food infront of the chef as the chef came out from the kitchen the chef just smile.

'Ding..ding..ding'The bells ring means the rest time are over and time to go to classroom.

"Oh it's time"She stood up and brought her plate to the counter and pay.

She walk to her classroom suddenly a guy call her


[To be continued]

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