It Was You

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A/N: Sorry for the day late update. I just kinda forgot to sleep all week haha whoops.

Cry remembered how Snake had been yesterday. How he'd just let him go. Then it hit him like a brick. He stood up abruptly, Almost knocking the bench back in the process. Everyone was staring at him, shocked looks plastered on their faces. He hated being stared at.

"I uh gotta go." Was all he muttered before running off in search of Snake. Snake was usually like a rock, solid, unbreakable, emotionless. But when he saw him last was like he wasn't even looking at Snake. It was a broken man, someone who'd lost everything....and would make the world pay for it. Cry knew what Snake was capable of, but how far would he go for Scott.

Everyone sat in the dining hall, somewhat dazed.

"Aren't you gonna go after him?" Russ quipped up, and Red nodded in agreement. Felix shook his head.

"He needs to do this on his own." The blonde replied simply, before standing up, clearing his and Cry's spot.

When Cry finally found Snake it was because he saw feet sticking out of a doorway. The feet weren't moving and he instantly panicked, thinking the man had killed someone. As he approached the doorway he saw the three people who worked in surveillance, lying scattered across the room, unconscious. For a moment he didn't notice Snake there, because his head was down, his dark hair and clothing blending in with the dimly lit atmosphere. His fist was clenched on the tabletop, and as the masked man approached he saw the surveillance footage he'd been watching. It the room of mirrors, footage from about a week ago. It was the footage of what happened between Scott and Felix.

"I should've known it was him." Growled Snake, head still down.

"Him?" The dark haired man asked cautiously. Snake finally lifted his head, dark blue eyes glistening with anger.

"That bastard Sp00n. This was his doing." He hissed. Snake and Sp00n had never been on good terms, Snake had never trusted the man. Cry sucked in a breath.

"Why...I don't...why would he...?" Cry stuttered, unsure who to trust. Snake looked away.

"I don't know what his motive was but...Scott said that Sp00n told him that I wouldn't trust him unless he proved his strength by killing a comrade." The bandana wearing man stared angrily at the counter.

"This is all so you think this has anything to do with...them?" Cry asked, voice lowering, even though no one was around.

"The Institution always has some part of this bullshit. I don't know if they were trying to draw you out or what." He murmured. Cry nodded grimly.

"I need to be able to trust you. Snake please, I know you want to make the people who did this to Scott, to you, pay, but please. We have to think rationally." Snake was silent for a moment.

"I can't make any promises." He said in his gravelly voice.

"Well that's a start." Cry sighed, rolling his eyes and Snake smirked, looking away so Cry wouldn't see. The smirk only lasted for a moment though, and then things came crashing down again.

Scott was dead.

Sp00n was quilty.

Sp00n would pay.

"You have that looked again." Cry murmured quietly.

"I just wanna listen to music and disappear." Snake whispered, almost to himself.

Felix sighed.
"Well they probably won't be back for a bit so why don't we start training without them?" The blonde asked, leading the group to the shooting range. Their feet tapped idly along the floor as they walked and eventually they came to the room, the guns were all there except Scott's which had been confiscated as evidence. The blonde sighed, going over to grab some ammo. As he went to slip it into his pocket he felt a folded paper brush against his finger. Curiously, he extracted the folded paper from his pocket, unfolding it slowly. The message looked as to be written in blood, crusted black against the page.

You killed Scott.

The blonde sucked in a breath. D-Did he....did he really kill Scott? He couldn't remember- had- had he taken the gun and shot him? The blonde felt tears welling in his eyes. He had hadn't he? He'd shot his best friend. Felix was responsible for his death. The blonde wiped his eyes before turning around and walking back. Russ was inspecting the pistol as the blonde handed him ammo.

"Russ?" He asked.

"Yeah?" The man responded, not looking up.

"You cared about Scott right?" Felix said. Russ looked up, blue eyes flashing.

"Felix..." He warned.

"Just answer the question Russ." The blonde responded through gritted teeth.

"Of course I did, I've known him since I was little." Russ replied, smiling sadly down at the gun in his hand.

"Then kill me."

"Well you can disappear later, we have to get back to the recruits, god knows what they could've gotten up to in the time we were gone." Cry responded, rolling his eyes. Snake nodded.

"Lead the way."

"What the fuck Felix?!" Russ yelled.

"I'm responsible for this. It's my fault. So shoot me." Felix said, straight faced.

"No! I'm not gonna kill you, dammit!"

Cry felt a sense of urgency as he headed to the dining hall. Something wasn't right. He entered a state of semi-panic when he saw it was empty.

"They probably went to the shooting range." Snake assured him.

"Russ please." Felix whispered, tears sliding down his face. "Just kill me."

"Felix?" The blonde turned at Cry's voice. The masked man rushed forward, catching Felix in his arms as he collapsed in on himself, sobbing.

"Scott's gone," He hiccuped, "And it's all my fault." Felix sobbed into Cry's chest as the man whispered to him, promising him everything would be okay. Russ staggered back, setting the gun down on the table.

"Fuck man." He murmured softly, Red grasping his hand reassuringly.

"Things are fucked." Red mumbled. Snake nodded, face grim.

"Things are fucked indeed."

A/Np.2: 1k update so yah hope you guys enjoyed! This week is supposed to be a triple update week but I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it. We'll see. Anyways love you all! Have a wonderful day, I like your face!

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