Acknowledgements and Disclaimers

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Hello there and thank you for opening up Rewrite the Stars! 

I won't sit here and bore you will all the details of how this work came to be, but I want to thank you for choosing to read it! This is the product of a lot of love, sweat, tears, and late nights. I want to thank a few people; Zeta, Cassie, deadeyedoodles and for dealing with my endless plot bunnies at random hours in the day and helping me bring this to life. 

That being said, I want to dedicate this story to @Crepuscu1um. This story wouldn't be here without her endless love, support, ideas, and patience with me as I dug this out of my mind. Her writing helped inspire me to write again and if it wasn't for her, I'm not sure this would ever have come to pass. Her friendship has been invaluable to me and I am forever blessed to have met her. 

To everyone reading this, thank you for taking the time to explore this work! I appreciate every single one of you! <3


1. This story loosely follows the events of Hogwarts Legacy, though there will be quite a bit of canon divergence. All characters, unless specified, are nineteen and in their seventh year at Hogwarts.  

2. This is a mature work. There will be violence, gore, talk of mental health, mentions of torture, and possible smut. 

3. I can't give insight into how often I will update as life has a habit of being hectic, but I will update when I can. For those that stick with it, thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Without further ado, welcome to Rewrite the Stars! 

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