Compared to her first day of term, the rest of the week passed by considerably quieter for Annabelle, though with Sebastian Sallow around it was never truly quiet.

After a night in the hospital wing, the wizard had returned to classes the following day. Given their last interaction, she thought he would have gone out of his way to avoid her yet that didn't seem to be the case. He quickly resumed his infuriating antics within seconds of spotting the red-head, much to her chagrin. In potions class, he 'accidentally' knocked a bottle of bubotuber pus all over her, though she counted her lucky stars that none of the liquid fell onto her skin. The man merely shrugged and smirked, not even bothering to apologise for his carelessness. While normally the witch would have made some snarky comment at him, his words from the infirmary still echoed in her mind so she simply took off her robe and continued on with her potion, blatantly ignoring him.

In the Great Hall, there were times she could feel his gaze on her, though she rarely looked up, choosing to converse with her friends or read a book instead. A few times she caught his eye, and she would watch as a smirk curled onto his lips, as if he was daring her to interact with him. She never did. When she would see him enter the library, she would quickly pack up her things and exit before he had a chance to see her. She found herself taking the long way to her classes so she wouldn't bump into him in the corridors, and in classes, she would make sure to take the seat farthest away from him.

It was her seventh year, and Annabelle had no time for anyone who thought so low of her. If that meant avoiding Sebastian Sallow and his escapades for the remainder of her time at Hogwarts, so be it.

By the time Friday afternoon rolled around, the witch was ready to discover what outlet Professor Hecat had in store for her. Though the week had passed by quietly, she could feel her bottled up emotions beginning to leak out. Hastily shoving her books into her bag, she made for the exit when Caspians large frame suddenly blocked her way. He grinned, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" He teased, his eyes glimmering with mischief. The red-head smiled in return, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Why should I tell you?" She retorted, childishly sticking her tongue out at him. His eyes narrowed, a dangerous smirk replacing his grin.

"Because I know how to make you talk." The witch narrowed her green eyes at him suspiciously.

"Don't you da-" Darting forward, she felt his fingers zero in on her sides as he began to tickle her. Screeching, she tried to get away but he was too fast for her, instantly following in her tracks. Damn Seeker instincts. Annabelle laughed loudly, her cheeks and chest burning from the onslaught.

"Talk and I stop." Caspian bartered, chuckling as he watched his best friend thrash under his actions.

"I-I'm-stop it- m-meeting...someone." The witch stuttered between giggles, her sides aching from all the laughter he had caused. Finally, his hands retreated, granting her relief. Tears had pooled in her eyes and her cheeks hurt from how hard she was grinning. Caspian raised a brow, smirking at her again.

"Oh? Do tell."

"Someone named Lucan. Professor Hecat wanted me to meet him today, something about an 'outlet' for my uh...emotions." The witch explained. His blond brows shot up, shock evident on his pale face before his eyes suddenly lit up with excitement. His abrupt change in emotions gave her whiplash.

"Is that so? Oh, this I have to see." He drawled, chuckling lowly. Moving out of the way of the exit, he held out his arm to her, gesturing for her to take it. She raised a single brow in question, her curiosity getting the better of her.

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