Answers!!! :)

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Hey again!!! Thank you so much for your questions!! I have already answered you in the comments, but I thought that it would be a good idea to make a chapter with all the answers, so that everyone can see them (thanks, Winter_Solstice24 💖)

I don't know whether you want me to say who asked each question, so I won't say. However, if you want me to mention you here, just tell me and I'll add it :)

~Have you ever bought something and realised that it was so bad,you wanted to yeet it out of the window??

I mean, probablyyy... I feel like buying useless things is a hobby to me, so the answer must be yes.

~Which celebrity do you hate for no reason?

I don't think that I hate a celebrity! 🙃 I don't think that I hate anyone in general! (except from THAT girl, you know who you are!) Don't worry guys, it's not any of you, I know her irl. 🙄

~Most embarassing thing you did in public?

Okayy, here we go again... (Don't worry, I don't mind telling ya, it's just kinda weird doing it)

Soo, in March me and my friend were playing Truth or Dare. She told me to confess to my best friend (who I kinda liked at that time).  I told him that I liked him in the school amphitheatre (how do I even write this?) while my ex-piano-teacher was performing. In the amphitheatre we were about 70 people.


So, umm, he didn't understand that it was a Dare and he DID like me...

Well, it took 3 days and a LOT of anxiety, until we finally decided to remain friends.

I think that's the most embarassing thing that I've doine in general, not only in public.

Don't worry! We're still best friends 🧡

~What song is stuck in your head right now?

When I wrote the reply it was Runaway by Aurora! :)

~What's your favourite animal?

Probably cats! I never really think of that question tbh, so cats! 

~Favourite dog breed?

Golden retrievers and labradors :) (why do I keep putting this ':)'?)

~What's a book or movie that you can reread or re-watch countless times??

KOTLC for sure!! Also, a Greek TV series called ΠΑΓΙΔΕΥΜΕΝΟΙ

~What are some of your favourite hobbies?

Playing the guitar and piano, reading books, listening to music and hanging out with my friends and family

~Do you like cats or rats?

I like cats, rats are not my favourite

~What's your favourite ice cream flavor?

I have a LOT!! I tried hazel ice cream on my vacation, so I'll say that for now

~Where do you live?

I live in Greece!

~Favourite Disney character?

Uhhhhh... I don't know! Can't think of one right now 🙃

~Where would you like to travel the most?

Paris!!! I always wanted to go to France!!

These were all the questions for now!! I will add more once you ask more ☺


Stay amazing!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2024 ⏰

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