open species bitches

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So, I'll write out da info so y'all don't have to read my shitty handwriting:

Has a lifespan of 5-7 (human) years.

1 month is equal to one Pivnil year.

Gender is identifiable from the little nub(s) on its head-or by eyelashes, because they CAN have birth deformities causing one extra nub or one less nub.

Grows to be at least 5 feet.

Communicates from squeaks. (Different sounding squeaks depending on their 'voice'.)

They have up to 9 genders—Most common ones being 'Abe' and 'Bib'. (Gender names WERE made by the Pivnils, because they squeak in morse code.)

Their color palettes are mostly dull, but also very light colors, or eye-bleeding neon colors.

They usually aren't hostile, and try to resort to peace when being attacked.

They're kinda like swans, where if you kill their mate or kids, they'll get really depressed and not take care of themselves. (Also like humans-)

Mostly, they have silly names—usually not human names though.

They don't have specific pronouns/they go by any pronouns.

Habitat is usually grassy fields, (they can make houses and villages) but can really be found anywhere.

They honestly eat anything—


Have any questions? Just ask me! 

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