Chapter 4

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Literally nobody was sat in any of the seats

"We didn't have enough in our budget to actually promote it so nobody is here..." Angela reminded them

Asashi then front flipped to Angela and stood next to her

"I see you guys are looking for someone" said Asashi

The group then looked at each other

Asashi clicked his fingers and Mika appeared in front of them both

"MIKA" the group shouted

Mika tried running to them but was teleported away

"Did she actually think it would be that easy?" Asked Asashi

"We've done this four times surely she would learn..." replied Angela

Angela then clicked her fingers and King Lat appeared

The group's eyes widened in fear

"Don't worry it's not my dad. If he found out that me and Angie did this he'd uppercut us both!" Laughed Asashi

It turns out it was Asashi's Lat suit

Him, Kitsune and King Lat had a big metal suit

"You're all going to fight it!" Angela told them

"Why?" Asked Scarlet

"Because it will be epic that's why" replied Asashi

The two then teleported into the viewing area of the stadium and watched

Asashis suit got on all fours and charged at the group like a rhino

Everyone but Steve jumped out the way

They all screamed Steve's name while he held his hand out

The suit then tried to run into him but Steve's hand stopped it

It seemed like he was barely even doing anything

Everyone including Asashi and Angela were shocked

The suit then powered down and fell to the ground

"We really need to get Steve tested..." said Meeko

Angela and Asashi both appeared on the stage

"Ok that wasn't meant to happen..." Angela whispered

"How am I meant to know a small child can stop my suit?" Asked Asashi

Angela shrugged her shoulders

"Ok what's next then..." asked Scarlet

"Her" pointed Asashi

He was pointing at Izzy

Izzy looked confused

She was then pulled towards them both

"We're gonna do a bit of a q&a"

Meeko's eyes widened

"Question one, what is my dogs name?" Asked Asashi

"Well that's easy, Malice" answered Izzy

"How did she know..." whispered Angela

"You literally go everywhere with him" Izzy told her

Angela kept her mouth shut

"Question two, what's my favourite colour?" Angela asked

"Orange" answered Izzy

"I'm glad you remembered" Asashi told her

"Final question, who's gonna kick your arse after this?" They both asked

"It won't happen but you two?" Answered Izzy

A loud buzz went off

"WRONG!" Angela

"It's me!" Asashi told her

Malice was then teleported next to them both

He was a German Shepherd

Meeko was teleported next to Izzy

"Here's your punishment for getting it wrong" Angela told her

Asashi pinned Meeko to the ground

Meeko began to go red and sweat

"Finally..." whispered Meeko

"What?" Asked Izzy

"Nothing..." replied Meeko

Malice then stood over Meeko while drooling all over his face

"OH GOD NO MAKE IT STOP!" Begged Meeko

Asashi and Angela were both laughing their heads off


Angela then whistled and Malice came to her

They both smirked and teleported out of there

Scarlet ran towards them both with Steve in her arms and helped Izzy help Meeko get up

"Are you ok?" Scarlet asked

"I think so..." replied Meeko

"What was that other punishment you were on about?" Izzy wondered

"N-nothing..." Meeko told them

Suddenly a bright light appeared in front of them

It seemed to be an entrance

They knew they had to continue walking

When they got through they saw fancy stairs

The four went up the stairs and saw a throne room

Sat on the throne was Asashi and Mika was above him in a cage

"This civil war has gone on long enough between our family Isabelle"

He looked up at the group

"You all know I'm from the future and I've seen what's going to happen. Nothing. Not a single thing happens because both sides couldn't do anything to each other. My dad and Kakusareta can't fight because if they do then the world will be destroyed. That's why he won't get involved in our war because the two of them know exactly what will happen. As much as my dad hates this world he still wants to protect it so he can rule it and change it for himself. When I was a young boy he told me the story of Akomia and the battle between Good and Evil but I don't believe any of it is real. Whether any of you want to believe it is up to you."

Asashi then stood up

"Scarlet, Meeko and Steve. I will not fight you. I have no quarrel with you and never have. But if I am to get what I want then I will kill you. Isabelle once I am finished with you then the rest of your family will fall into the black and pretty soon we will follow you."

He then teleported a sword in front of Izzy

"Izzy let me fight him!" Scarlet requested

"No Scarlet... this is a war and it's between us, not you"

Asashi then teleported a sword in his hand

Scarlet, Meeko and Steve moved back a bit to give the two some room

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