Chapter 1 : Birth

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"When you first opened your eyes, you were but a small cog in the machine. Though newborn, you had the choice to follow your purpose, or leave the sisterhood," the firm voice declared to the row of women who wore a white cloak.

The sanctuary was unnecessarily big, with marble columns with coiling snakes, as well has brasiers being the only source of light. Each syllable echoed in the chamber, surrounding the new members of the sisterhood.

"The Matriarch will allow you to leave her embrace only on this occasion, for you are but blank slates, ready to be molded into your purpose," the Mother declared, draped in an immaculate white robe, her voice carrying her uncaring nature despite her title. "Should you step away from the Matriarch's light, do it now by stepping up."

Of the initiates, none moved, not out of fear, but out of innate devotion. They were all developed and grown under the care of Mother Epsilon. She, despite her coldness, gave a lot of attention to the good growth of the new members, overseeing their embryonal stage to the adulthood, keeping them safe in their bipod.

"From now on, you are a part of the Matriarch, her daughters. You are Baby Sisters, for you need to take your first step into this world. Once used to the workings of the sisterhood, you will be Sisters, equals to the older batches," Mother Epsilon continued, looking at each initiate with the same cold gaze. "Since you are the seventh batch of Sisters, your designation will begin with the number seven."

The Mother stood in front of each Baby Sister, each giving them a number as a name. Thus, the newborn Seven Three was named as such. She, like her siblings, resembled each other, a younger image of Mother Epsilon, an almost picture-perfect reflection of the Matriarch. Seven Three was an extension of the Matriarch's will, though devoid of any personality.

During her first days of existence, the clone got used to walking on a solid floor, to eat with utensils, to speak and to have manners. Seven Three was taught the basics of living, of thinking coherent thoughts, to interact with others. Mother Epsilon was the one guiding her latest batch, her cold and distant mannerism being imprinted in her underlings. Always seen in a lab coat and a surgical mask. Thus, Seven Three spoke rigidly, walked straight, and disregarded any kind of personal discomfort. Likewise, her batch sisters developed similarly. Each looked alike, each acting and moving the same way. They were identical, replaceable cogs in the machine.

Yet, despite the uncaring nature of her existence, Seven Three developed decently, though she could feel the invisible connection with her peers dissipate. It wasn't her becoming distant, it was the psychic powers fading with time, a byproduct of the cloning process.

While Seven Three grew in an underground lab within a mountain, another Sister was born in a less cold environment. Mother Karen was a warmer person, more caring, more motherly. Unlike Epsilon, Karen often wore a cooking apron, adorned with cutesy pictures of friendly snakes. This Mother didn't raise batches, she raised individuals in a more colorful environment.

"Rise and shine, Cupcake," Mother Karen announced when Sister Cupcake opened her eyes as she rose from her bipod. "Everyone, say hello to your new Baby Sister Cupcake!"

A chorus of joyful greetings gently erupted in the pastel-colored growth chamber as various Sisters welcomed the newly grown woman.

"Hello! I'm Mother Karen, but you can call me Karen!" the woman declared with a gentle voice. "I know you've just got into this world, but I need to explain the basics of the sisterhood," Mother Karen continued once the chatter faded. "You are a clone of the Matriarch, our leader. She's a great woman and she offers you a choice. You either stay with us, or you can go live your life how you want it, without any of our influence. So in short, you either become a cog in the machine, or you break free from the machine."

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