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Author’s POV

Three days after the family dinner, the Wang Clan estate was abuzz with anticipation for Zhan and Yibo’s mating ceremony. Both were required to wear traditional white garments, symbolizing the start of their new life together. Zhan, despite his usual sarcasm, played his part with surprising cooperation, though his comments were still laced with his signature wit.

The ceremony was set on an open platform, with the sun setting in the distance, casting a warm glow over the proceedings. The atmosphere was a mix of reverence and formal tradition.

“Ah, the grand stage where we get to make a public spectacle of ourselves,” Zhan remarked, adjusting his ceremonial robes with an air of mock seriousness.

Yibo, ever the stoic counterpart, responded dryly, “Let’s focus on getting through this without adding any unnecessary drama.”

The ritual began with the blood offering. Zhan and Yibo each took a ceremonial dagger and made a small cut on their palms to let their blood mix together, which would be presented as a sacrifice to the Moon Goddess.

Zhan winced slightly. “Is this what you call a ‘bloody good time’?”

Yibo, maintaining his calm, replied, “It’s more about tradition than pleasure, but I appreciate the effort.”

Despite the sarcasm, their oaths were recited with sincerity. Zhan and Yibo each declared their commitment as the God of War and the God of Shield, marking the significance of their roles.

Following the blood offering, they were presented with a bowl of mixed herbs. Known for its extreme bitterness, the concoction was a test of their endurance.

Zhan eyed the bowl with skepticism. “I’m guessing this is the part where we test our tolerance for unpleasantness?”

Yibo took a sip and responded, “It’s about proving we can handle whatever comes our way.”

Zhan took a sip and grimaced. “Well, this certainly adds a new layer to ‘bitter taste of commitment.’”

Yibo, with a hint of amusement,said, "It's not that bad."

Having concluded the first part of the ceremony... came to the actual mating

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