Chapter 7: Secrets in the Shadows

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The next morning, Ella woke up with a strange sense of calm, like the eye of a storm had passed, and for a brief moment, everything felt still. Last night with Logan had been hard—he had opened up in ways she hadn’t expected, and she felt closer to him than ever. But with that closeness came new responsibilities and uncertainties. He had promised no more secrets, and Ella believed him, but trust was fragile.

As she got ready for school, her phone buzzed. It was a message from Logan.

Logan: I’ll pick you up this morning. Be ready in 10.

Ella smiled at the screen, feeling a flutter of excitement. It was the first time Logan had offered to drive her to school on his bike, and she couldn’t help but feel a little thrill. The rumors had been rough, but today, she didn’t care. Today, she was going to let herself enjoy being with Logan.

When she heard the familiar rumble of his bike outside, she rushed downstairs. Her mom was at the kitchen table, sipping her coffee and glancing at her over the top of the cup.

“That Logan?” her mom asked, her tone neutral but cautious.

Ella nodded, trying to gauge her mom’s reaction. “Yeah, we’re going to school together today.”

Her mom raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything more. “Just be careful, Ella.”

“I will, Mom,” Ella promised, grabbing her backpack and heading out the door. As she stepped outside, she saw Logan leaning casually against his bike, looking as effortlessly cool as ever. When he saw her, his face lit up with a grin.

“Hey, Montgomery,” he teased, holding out the helmet for her.

Ella rolled her eyes at the nickname, but she couldn’t help smiling. “Hey, Ryder.”

As they sped off toward school, the wind rushing past her, Ella felt a sense of freedom she hadn’t experienced before. The world blurred around them, and for those few minutes, there was nothing but her and Logan. No whispers, no rumors, no expectations—just the two of them.

But as they pulled into the school parking lot, the reality of their situation came crashing back. Logan parked the bike, and Ella could already feel the eyes on them as she climbed off. A few students lingered nearby, their conversations halting as they watched the infamous Logan Ryder and the straight-laced Ella Montgomery arrive together.

Logan noticed it too, but he shrugged it off like it didn’t bother him. “Let them stare,” he said, taking her hand as they walked toward the entrance.

Ella tried to follow his lead, but the whispers felt louder today, more cutting. She could hear bits and pieces as they passed by.

“Did you see them together? She’s really with him?”

“Ella Montgomery and Logan Ryder. What a joke.”

“She’s totally going to regret this.”

Ella squeezed Logan’s hand, trying to keep her head held high. But inside, the pressure was mounting. She wasn’t used to being the center of attention, and the judgmental looks were starting to get to her.

As they walked through the halls, Logan leaned in and whispered, “Ignore them. They don’t know us.”

Ella nodded, but her chest felt tight. She tried to focus on the feeling of Logan’s hand in hers, grounding her, but something still nagged at the back of her mind. Sarah’s words from the day before echoed in her head: “If he’s serious, he’ll prove it. But if he hasn’t…you need to be ready to walk away.”

Her thoughts were interrupted when they reached her locker, and standing there, waiting for her, was Sarah.

Logan gave Sarah a wary glance but didn’t let go of Ella’s hand. Sarah crossed her arms, her eyes shifting from Ella to Logan. There was a tension in the air that Ella could feel immediately.

“Sarah,” Ella said, stepping forward slightly.

“Hey,” Sarah replied, her voice cool. “We need to talk.”

Logan looked at Ella, then back at Sarah. “I’ll see you later,” he muttered to Ella before turning and walking away down the hall.

Ella watched him go, feeling a pang of guilt for the awkwardness between her two worlds—her best friend and the guy she cared about. When Logan was out of sight, she turned back to Sarah.

“What’s going on?” Ella asked, trying to keep her voice calm.

Sarah gave her a long, hard look. “Are you really sure about him, Ella? Because people are saying he’s been seen with his old crowd again.”

Ella’s stomach dropped. “What are you talking about?”

Sarah shifted, her expression serious. “Logan’s been hanging out with Kyle and those other guys. The ones who got him into all that trouble last year. You told me he was trying to change, but how can he be serious if he’s still hanging around people like that?”

Ella shook her head, feeling defensive. “Logan told me he’s done with all that. He promised me.”

Sarah sighed. “I’m not trying to attack you, Ella. I just…I don’t want you to get hurt. I don’t think Logan is being completely honest with you.”

Ella’s heart pounded in her chest, a mixture of anger and doubt swirling inside her. “Why can’t you just trust that I know what I’m doing, Sarah?”

Sarah’s face softened slightly. “I want to. But this isn’t just about you, Ella. Logan has a history. And if he’s slipping back into old habits, it could get bad. I’m just worried.”

Ella felt her throat tighten, but she forced herself to stay calm. “I appreciate that, but I believe him. Logan’s trying.”

Sarah gave her a long, searching look before finally nodding. “Okay. But just…be careful, alright? I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Ella nodded, feeling a mix of relief and frustration. As Sarah walked away, Ella leaned against her locker, trying to push away the doubt gnawing at her. She trusted Logan, didn’t she? He had promised her no more secrets, and she believed him. But if what Sarah said was true—if Logan really was hanging out with his old crowd again—what did that mean?

The rest of the day passed in a blur. Ella couldn’t focus in class, her mind constantly drifting back to Logan. After school, she made her way to the bike racks where Logan usually waited for her. But when she got there, he wasn’t alone.

Kyle and two other guys were standing with him, laughing about something. Kyle, with his smug grin and arrogant air, leaned against Logan’s bike, clearly comfortable in Logan’s space. The sight sent a wave of unease through Ella. Kyle was exactly the kind of person Logan had promised to leave behind.

Logan looked up as she approached, his smile faltering when he saw the look on her face. “Hey, Ella.”

Ella’s eyes flicked to Kyle and his friends. “What’s going on?”

Kyle gave her a mocking smile. “We were just catching up with Logan here. You know, old friends.”

Logan shot Kyle a warning look, but Kyle just shrugged. “What? She should know we’re not going anywhere.”

Ella’s heart sank. She looked at Logan, hoping for reassurance, for an explanation. But Logan’s face was tight, his eyes filled with frustration and something else—something darker.

“Ella, it’s not what you think,” Logan started, stepping toward her. But the words felt hollow.

Ella took a step back, the doubt that had been building all day crashing over her like a tidal wave. “Are you still hanging out with them?” she asked, her voice trembling.

Logan hesitated, and that hesitation was all Ella needed to see. She turned and started walking away, her chest tight with anger and hurt. She heard Logan calling her name, but she didn’t stop.

As she walked, tears stung her eyes. Logan had promised her no more secrets, but it seemed like that promise had already been broken. And now, Ella wasn’t sure what to believe anymore.

What she did know was that she couldn’t keep doing this—not if Logan wasn’t willing to change.

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