Chapter Two: The Storm Approaches

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, bathing the fields of **Westerfield** in hues of orange and purple, **Edmund Hawthorne** found himself at a crossroads. Each furrow he plowed felt like a reminder of his unfulfilled dreams—the dreams of knighthood that had been buried beneath the responsibilities of being a farmer. He recalled the tales of valor and chivalry that had once ignited a fire within him, a fire that flickered but never quite died out.

His son, **Thomas**, was growing into a young man, filled with ambition and hope. The boy idolized the local knight, **Sir Alaric Wainwright**, who often trained the village youth in the dusty fields of the village square. Thomas would return each day, glowing with excitement, his hands and arms marked with the signs of practice. Edmund watched as his son practiced swordsmanship, pride swelling in his chest, yet a sense of dread gnawed at him. The path of knighthood was fraught with danger; it demanded sacrifice and courage. Edmund's father had always wanted him to be safe, and now he found himself torn between wanting to protect his son and allowing him to pursue a life filled with pride and righteous intent.

"Father, I'm getting better every day!" Thomas called out one afternoon, sweat glistening on his brow as he sparred with Sir Alaric. The knight's movements were fluid and graceful, a stark contrast to the youthful enthusiasm of Thomas.

"Indeed, you are, my boy," Edmund replied, leaning against the fence, his heart heavy with concern. "But remember, the sword is not just a weapon; it is a symbol of honor. You must wield it with a pure heart."

Nearby, **Ellie Brightwood**, a spirited 13-year-old and dedicated servant of the Hawthorne farm, rushed towards them, her dark hair bouncing with each hurried step. "Hurry, Thomas! We're going to be late for dinner!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Ellie had been with the family since she was small, taken in after her parents fell ill. She was fiercely loyal to Thomas, often teasing him and bringing light to even the hardest days.

"Coming, Ellie!" Thomas shouted, bowing to Sir Alaric. "Thank you for today, Sir Alaric. I'll practice even harder tomorrow!"

As they hurried back to the farm, laughter filled the air, a warm contrast to the concerns weighing on Edmund's mind. At the dinner table, the aroma of Margaret's hearty stew enveloped them, and the atmosphere was filled with joy. The family shared stories and laughter, a sanctuary formed from love and shared experiences.

"Practicing the sword again, son?" Edmund inquired, a teasing glint in his eyes.

"Yeah! I'm getting better every day, right, Ellie?" Thomas beamed.

"Sure, he's working hard for a coward," Ellie joked, sticking out her tongue. "But that's why I'll protect him!"

Edmund's gaze turned serious as he leaned forward. "But what about the farm? Don't you want to take it over one day?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern for his son's future.

Before Thomas could respond, a cacophony of screams erupted from outside. "Vikings! Run!" a villager shouted, panic gripping the air. The ground trembled with the stampede of feet, and the Hawthorne family exchanged terrified glances.

"Sir Alaric!" Edmund shouted, rushing to the door as chaos unfolded in the village. The sight was one of devastation: a group of fifty Vikings raided the village, their fierce battle cries echoing through the air. Villagers were running in all directions, some desperately trying to gather their loved ones, while others sought refuge in their homes. Sir Alaric charged in on horseback, his expression grim and urgent.

"The village is done for! You have to run!" he called out, his voice cutting through the chaos. The urgency in his tone sent a jolt of fear through Edmund.

But Edmund stood firm, his resolve hardening. "Take my son and Ellie. Get them out of this village!" He turned to Thomas, the weight of his decision pressing down on him. "Follow your dreams, son. Never go back on your word. If you believe it's right, then never give up on it. Follow the path of righteousness."

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