Chapter 6 - A Lingering Doubt

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The next day, William arrived at the lab complex early, hoping to get a head start before the rest of the team arrived. He set up his materials and took a deep breath, trying to push thoughts of Lea and Alex out of his mind.Just as he was getting into a groove, the door opened, and Lea walked in. She looked surprised to see him there so early."Morning," she said, setting her bag down at the table."Morning," William replied, keeping his tone neutral. He wasn't sure how to act around her anymore.They worked in silence for a while, the only sounds being the rustling of papers and the tapping of keyboards. Despite the awkwardness, William couldn't help but admire Lea's dedication and focus.After about an hour, Alex strolled in, fashionably late as usual. He glanced between William and Lea, a smirk playing on his lips."Sorry I'm late," he said, not sounding sorry at all. "Got caught up with something."William rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. He wasn't in the mood for another confrontation.The three of them continued to work on their project, dividing tasks and discussing their progress. Despite the tension, they managed to make significant headway.During a break, Alex leaned back in his chair and stretched. "So, what's everyone doing this weekend?"William shrugged, not really interested in small talk. Lea, on the other hand, seemed to hesitate for a moment before answering."I have some plans with friends," she said, not elaborating further.Alex raised an eyebrow. "Anyone I know?"Lea shook her head. "Just some old friends from back home."William couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the thought of Lea spending time with people he didn't know. He quickly pushed the feeling aside, reminding himself that it wasn't his business.As the day went on, the three of them fell into a somewhat comfortable rhythm, working together despite the underlying tensions. By the time they wrapped up for the day, they had made substantial progress on their project."Good work today," Lea said as she packed up her things. "See you both tomorrow."William nodded, and Alex gave her a casual wave. As they left the lab complex, William couldn't shake the feeling that something was brewing between Lea and Alex, something that he wasn't a part of.That evening, as he lay in bed, his mind raced with thoughts of the day's events. He knew he needed to focus on the project, but his feelings for Lea were making it difficult.Why do I care so much? he wondered for what felt like the hundredth time. She's just a girl. But deep down, he knew it wasn't that simple. Lea was different, and that scared him more than he cared to admit.The next day, the trio met again at the lab. They worked through their tasks, but William felt a growing unease. During a break, Alex leaned over to William and Lea."Hey, how about we all go out for dinner tonight? We've been working hard, and we could use a break," Alex suggested, his tone casual.William hesitated, but before he could respond, Lea nodded. "Sure, that sounds like a good idea."William, not wanting to be left out, reluctantly agreed. "Yeah, okay. Dinner sounds good."Alex grinned. "Great! Let's meet at the Italian place on 5th Avenue at seven."The rest of the day dragged on for William, who found it hard to focus on their project. When evening came, he headed to the restaurant, feeling a mix of anticipation and dread.He arrived a few minutes early and chose a table near the window. As he waited, he checked his phone repeatedly, hoping to see a message from Lea or Alex. Seven o'clock came and went, and still, there was no sign of them.William's anxiety grew with each passing minute. He called Lea's phone several times, but it went straight to voicemail. He texted Alex, but there was no response.Finally, Alex strolled in around 7:30, casually taking a seat across from William. He looked as if he hadn't a care in the world, pulling out his phone and starting to text."Where's Lea?" William asked, trying to keep his voice steady but failing to hide his concern.Alex glanced up, his face showing mild surprise. "Oh, she's not here yet? I guess she got caught up with something."William frowned. "I've been trying to reach her. Her phone's going straight to voicemail."Alex shrugged, still absorbed in his phone. "She'll show up. Maybe she's just running late. You worry too much, you know."William couldn't help but feel frustrated. "It's not just that. It's unlike her to miss plans without saying anything. I'm starting to get really worried."Alex chuckled, shaking his head. "Relax, man. People run late all the time. You're overthinking this."As the evening wore on, it became clear that Lea wasn't coming. Alex continued to be on his phone, seemingly unbothered by the situation. William's frustration grew, his worry for Lea overshadowing his disappointment.Around 8:00, William, feeling defeated, decided to call it a night. He paid for his drink and stood up."Are you leaving?" Alex asked, looking up from his phone."Yeah," William replied. "I've had enough."Alex stood up too, stretching casually. "Alright, let's go then. Maybe she'll explain what happened later."As they walked out of the restaurant, William couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. His mind raced with concerns about Lea and what might have happened.That night, as William was about to go to bed, his phone buzzed with a new message. He picked it up, his heart sinking as he saw Lea's name on the screen."Hey guys, sorry for today. I won't be available for a few days."William stared at the message, his mind racing. What could have happened to keep her away for so long? And why hadn't she said anything earlier?At the same time, Alex's phone buzzed with the same message from Lea. He looked at it, then shrugged and put his phone down, seemingly unfazed.William felt a mix of worry and confusion. Something didn't add up, and he knew he needed to find out what was going on.

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