Chapter 29

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Evelyn didn't know how many days had passed as she sat on the bed, heavy iron chains wrapped around her wrist and secured to the large post at the head of the bed. Her meals had been brought to her with great hesitation by the servants, though none dared get too close to her. The made sure to stay just out of reach as they slid the serving tray over to her and darted from the room as quickly as their feet would carry them. More than once the mirror had taken advantage of her guard being down, his consciousness surfacing until she and Rorik were able to wrestle him back into submission.

She was exhausted from battling her own mind and the mirror's influence. Sweat beaded on her forehead and her damp hair clung to her pale skin. She didn't know which prison was worse, the makeshift one in the tower, or the one inside her own head every time the mirror gained control.

After what had felt like months, though is had probably only been a few weeks, the door to the tower opened and a tall handsome man darkened the doorway. His blonde hair fell just below his chin and his brown eyes were gentle and compassionate as he studied her.

"Evie, what on earth have you done to yourself?" His voice was gentle as he stepped inside with Damian trailing behind him. He wore the traditional white robes of the clergy, and Evelyn knew instantly it was Liam.

"Liam, please you have to help." Tears brimmed in the corners of her eyes as a lump caught in her throat.

"Blood magic is different than black magic. It's more powerful. I don't think I will be able to break it completely. But a good start..." Liam spoke, lifting a heavy book from the desk and hurling it at the mirror across the room with all his strength.

The mirror shattered and Evelyn let out an ear piercing scream as it did. "What have you done?!" It was not her voice, but the mirror's that met the ears of Liam and Damian.

"Now that I have your attention, we can begin the rest of the process." Liam stated calmly, turning to Damian. "I will need salt, sage, and a goblet for the holy water. And a dagger, if you please."

"A dagger?" Damian repeated hesitantly.

"Yes. I cannot just destroy the entity within her, it's too powerful. But I hope I can divide it in half and purify each part. The magic won't leave her, but the mirror's consciousness will." Liam explained carefully as he rolled up the sleeves of his white robe and pulled a vial of holy water from around his waist.

Damian left the room to fetch the items needed and returned a few moments later with a bowl filled with salt and dried sage leaves as well as an empty goblet. He handed them to Liam before pulling a sharpened dagger from his waist and placing it on the table next to Liam.

"For your own sake, it is probably best you wait outside Damian. If I fail, you would be in danger." Liam advised as he set to work sprinkling the salt in a circle around the bed. Damian nodded hesitantly and then made his way to the door to wait outside.

With that done, Liam set the metal bowl of sage in the center of the circle and lit it carefully, fanning the smoke until it permeated the entirety of the circle. Blessing the goblet, he poured the holy water into it and took a seat next to Evelyn on the bed, her glowing green eyes watching his every move.

Taking the dagger from the table, he sliced both her palms and then did the same to his. "Give me your hands, Evie." He coaxed her gently, entwining their fingers as their blood mingled between their pressed together palms. Evelyn didn't recognize the words he used as he began to mutter the incantation, but she felt its effects almost immediately. Her skin began to burn as wisps of bright green energy crackled around them and she let out another piercing scream.

The energy of the building magic seemed to pulse and throb in the air, snaking around their joined hands and eventually piercing Liam's skin as well. He bit back a scream of his own, continuing to mutter the strange words until the magic around them reached its peak, then he began to recite in the holy tongue. Evelyn watched as Liam's blonde hair turned a brilliant silver and her green eyes turned to her own dark hair. Silver permeated her dark curls until her hair was a radiant silver. The mirror's voice inside her head screamed in agony, the sound deafening at first but slowly fading as if he were being dragged to some distance place within her mind.

At last Liam reached for the goblet, taking a long drink of the holy water before holding it to Evelyn's lips. She mimicked him, and the mirror's voice disappeared completely, the magic around them exploding and leaving the room in disarray as peace settled around them like a warm blanket.

"Is that it? It's over?" She questioned, searching the recesses of her mind for the mirror but finding nothing. Another realization hit her and a wave of sadness washed over her; Rorik was gone too.

"That's it. It's done. The magic is divided between us, so the mirror cannot resurface unless we are joined by blood again." Liam said quietly, wiping his brow on the back of his sleeve. He chuckled lightly as she threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, tears of relief flooding down her cheeks.

Damian entered the room and was instantly taken aback by the sight of their silver hair. Shaking off the initial shock, he crossed the room and hugged them both. "Liam, I owe you a debt. You saved my sister."

Liam shrugged and chuckled. "Let's say you owe me a favor. Which I may end up collecting. With the magic in my veins as well as hers, my time in service to the cloth is done. Magic is banned among the clergy." He said with a sigh.

"What will you do now?" Evelyn asked, a hint of sorrow and guilt in her tone.

Liam shrugged nonchalantly. "Live a semi-normal life? What of you, your majesty? Will you rule Acacia and Aurine now that you are free?"

Evelyn shook her head. "Taking the crowns will only cause more chaos and conflict. If the servants are afraid of me, I can only imagine how the rest of the kingdom will react. I intend to abdicate. Go somewhere where I can attempt a normal life without the title of 'evil queen' looming over my head."

"I never wanted the throne." Damian reminded her, but Evelyn shook her head and smiled.

"You'll do fine. You'll have Liam to guide you, and Snow and Lady Dumonte and Marcus. Two kingdoms finally united. You will make a great king, so long as you heed council." She hugged her brother tightly, and then turned to Liam. "You saved me. Thank you, old friend."

"Only one task left; Aurine. I'll ride on to meet Marcus. With a fresh band of men I think we can take Aurine. Their supplies have whittled to nothing. If they are smart, they will surrender." Damian said firmly, and Evelyn smiled with a gentle laugh.

"You sound like a king already."

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