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Chapter 8: The Tragedy


Part 1:

Túŋši Aká soared high above the trees, his wings carrying him swiftly back to the human village. The memory of the Imperial dragons’ conversation still lingered in his mind like a storm cloud, casting a shadow over his thoughts. His gaze remained sharp as he scanned the ground below, the urgency of his mission pulsing through his veins.

He had to warn the humans, protect them from the destruction that was surely coming. They had been peaceful, respectful of the forest’s balance, and in return, he and Hi no ha had protected them. But now, the Imperials were coming, and there was no telling what devastation they would bring.

As the village came into view, nestled among the trees, Túŋši Aká descended, landing at the outskirts where the villagers were already gathering. The elder, who had always been the voice of reason and wisdom, stepped forward, his weathered face etched with concern.

Túŋši Aká, what news do you bring? the elder asked in the common tongue, his voice steady but lined with fear.

Túŋši Aká lowered his head slightly in respect, speaking in the wolf tongue before switching to the common language for the humans to understand. "Imperial dragons are coming. They seek power and blood, and they will not spare your village. You must prepare—gather your people, fortify your homes, hide the young and the old."

Fear rippled through the crowd as the villagers exchanged anxious glances. They had lived in peace for years, shielded by Túŋši Aká’s protection, but now that peace was being threatened. The elder’s face darkened as the weight of the news settled over him.

"We are not warriors, Túŋši Aká," the elder said, his voice trembling slightly. "We have no means to defend ourselves against dragons. What can we do?"

"Do not fight them head-on," Túŋši Aká advised, his tone firm but urgent. "Focus on protecting your people. Find places to hide, stay out of sight. I will fight them, but you must be ready."

The elder nodded solemnly before turning to the villagers, his voice commanding despite the fear in his eyes. "Do as Túŋši Aká says! Gather the children, the elderly, and take them to safety. Fortify your homes, and prepare for what’s coming."

The villagers scrambled into action, rushing to collect their families and secure what little defenses they had. Túŋši Aká watched them for a moment, his heart heavy with the responsibility he bore. These people had lived peacefully alongside him and Hi no ha. They had honored the forest and respected its creatures. He could not let them fall to the Imperials.

With one last look at the village, Túŋši Aká turned and took to the sky again, his wings carrying him swiftly back to the cave. Hi no ha needed to know what was coming—they had to protect their hatchlings, keep them safe from the impending danger.

As he flew, the unease in his chest only grew stronger. The Imperials had no regard for balance or peace. They thrived on battle, on destruction, and they would not stop until they had taken what they wanted. Túŋši Aká’s protective instincts flared, his thoughts turning to his family. He would not let anything happen to Hi no ha or their hatchlings.

But when he neared the cave, something felt off.

The air was thick with tension, and the familiar scent of the forest was overpowered by something darker, something metallic and pungent. His heart raced as he descended toward the cave entrance, his claws digging into the earth as he landed.

And then he smelled it.


His breath caught in his throat, and dread settled in his chest like a stone. He rushed forward, his massive form barreling into the cave. The sight that greeted him was a nightmare.

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