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  You came here for a story about Jason Todd, yes? A story involving my oc, too? What do you know about Jason? If you don't know anything, I'll tell you what I've learned over the years.
  Jason Todd is the son of Sheila Haywood and Willis Todd. However, Jason's father married Catherine not too long after. The thing about Catherine was she soon died from an overdose from abusing drugs. Jason did take care of her, even though he was young at the time. Not only did he lose Catherine to an overdose, but his father was killed as well. Because of this, Jason had to learn to fend for himself.


  Skip some time afterwards, Jason was taken in by Batman after trying to steal the wheels of the Batmobile. See, Jason soon became the 2nd Robin, the infamous sidekick of the dear Dark Knight. You could say that Jason thought of it as a game, but as time went on, it became more of a joyride for him.
  Jason started to get a little out of control, and Bruce saw that. The more he tried to intervene, the more rebellious Jason became. However, Jason also had a weakness: he didn't see that line that wasn't supposed to be crossed. To Jason, there was no line. Deep down, Bruce knew he had to do something, but the anger and stubbornness Todd held was out of his control.

  As a result, Jason decided to go his own way, and Batman soon joined him to find Jason's birth mother, but things didn't go as planned. Jason did end up finding Sheila, who was indeed his birth mother. However, Sheila betrayed Jason and Joker outsmarted both Jason and Sheila. Unfortunately, there was no Batman around to help. So, Jason ended up getting trapped along with Sheila. Jason only hoped Bruce would make it, but as those last seconds grew closer and closer, he only thought of how Bruce failed him. And so, the Red Hood was born. Jason even tried to keep his birth mother from getting blown up as well, but neither of them could escape the scene that haunted Bruce for many years to come. 

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