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Los Angeles

September 18th, 9:00 AM

I'm nestled in the back of my SUV, the soft hum of the engine a comforting sound. My headphones are in, and I'm mentally gearing up for a productive day in the studio. The track I've been working on has been playing on repeat in my head, and I'm eager to get into the creative zone. 

Hold up, they don't love you like I love you

Slow down, they don't love like I love you

As we approach the studio, I notice the familiar swarm of paparazzi stationed outside a nearby cafe. The sight sends a ripple of tension through me. I'd hoped to slip into the studio unnoticed, but it looks like that's not going to be the case today.

The SUV slows, and I see the cameras start to flash as the paparazzi spot me. Their shouts begin to pierce through the music in my headphones. I look at my driver through the rearview mirror, and he gives me a nod, rolling down the window just enough to speak through.

"Beyoncé! Is it true you and Chris are getting back together?"

My stomach clenches. Chris is a topic I'd rather keep private, especially today. I take a deep breath, trying to stay calm and collected. I pull off my headphones, focusing on the swarm of questions coming my way.

"I'm here to focus on my music. I'm not discussing personal matters today." I say with a firm tone of voice.

"But there's been so much speculation! Can you give us anything?"

Their voices blend into a chaotic buzz. I'm doing my best to stay composed, but it's frustrating to have my personal life overshadow my work. I glance at the driver, who's starting to ease the SUV forward.

 "I understand your interest, but I really need to get to the studio. I'll address my personal life when I'm ready." I remark trying to keep myself composed.

"What about the rumors of a reconciliation? Can you confirm or deny?"

I feel my patience thinning, but I manage a polite, controlled smile. The constant barrage of questions is wearing, but I'm determined not to let it derail me.

 "I'm here to work on music. I'm not discussing my personal life right now. Please respect that." I repeat to them once again making sure to keep my voice stern and controlled.

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