Chapter seven: Impulse or on Feeling?

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This took me a while comment and vote I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it ;)

Nicks P.O.V

It's been three days since I watched the naked beauty walk out my kitchen and out my life, not that she was in it in the first place but she still had a place there. I'm not saying I'm going all hearts and fucking flowers but my house seems achingly dull. My mood gets bleaker by the minute and at this rate I don't feel like going to the club, the one place I enjoyed and found privacy bores me. Even the head I get isn't enough to have a spike of excitement rush threw me. I had to punish one of the waiters yesterday, with a quick flogging and a hard punishment fuck. The whole time I imagined it was Brooke bent over getting flogged. Her ass getting pink and warm with each swing. I imagined it was her straggled moan and cries as I pounded into her over and over, she begging me for release. Fuck! I'm getting hard just thinking of it. A surge of anger rushes threw me. I deserve her and damint she wants me but is too damn stubborn to agree. How do I make her heel? I could always show her, but she wouldn't go for it, I know what I'm going to do and if she doesn't want this and finds no enjoyment which is unlikely I'll leave her alone.

Yes. I've made up my mind!

I call josh and on the second ring he picks up.

"Hey nick, good to hear from you"

Not mutual "same here, I need to know if your sub will be home tonight"

"No she'll be home in the morning, why?"

"I needed to talk to her roommate, alone" not that it's any of your damn business.

"Oh" he says coolly. I roll my eyes hanging up the phone. I grab my keys, jacket and some rope, followed by an eye mask, one of my favorite vibrates to use on a sub a ball gag and if I'm lucky a small beginners butt plug. Once out of my office I run into Kyle. There's a faint smile that alights my lips when I see the mark on the bridge of his nose. That was one hell of a night, and to think I wasn't going to come in that night. I would have missed that smart mouthed girl. But would I be happier now if I didn't know her?

I shake my head walking past him. I inform my staff that I will not be coming in tonight, and if there's an emergency to call me. I don't want to be interrupted when I'm with that delectable creature. Images of her moaning on my countertop comes to mine. The way she throws her head back and her mouth set at O of a silent moan. The way her eyebrows furrow and how her back aches in complete pleasure, and god when she pulled my hair! Talk about direct line to my dick. That women makes the most normal things sexy. Watching her tip up to get the mugs turned me on. Oh how I would like to see her every morning like that. Exposing those long beautiful legs for only me to see. I stride out to my car and once I'm behind the wheel I speed of to Ms. Fainer's place.

Once outside her apartment I gather my toys in a duffle bag and head in. I do look a little suspicious with it but I can't just walk in with them. I buzz her apartment and there's no answer. Fuck! She's not here! There's no way I'm going home, it ain't gunna happen! I approach the desk and find the maintenance man. He looks tired and looks like he'll do anything for a quick buck. Hmm this just might work.

I've managed to get into her apartment after paying the janitor a thousand dollars. It's a high of a price but I wouldn't want it any other way. I don't want some low life to pay his way into her apartment. So here I am, I don't bother turning on the lights I just walk around using the moon light as my guide. I walk up to one door and push it open. this room is quaint colored in creams and soft yellows. I walk to the dresser at the end by the window and I pick up the picture next to the ornamental candles. It's a picture of her roommate. This isn't her room, but then again it doesn't feel like her. There's a stuffed bear on the bed for crying out loud. I place the picture back closing the door behind me. Her apartment isn't too small it's kind of nice. I walk further down to the end of the hall and push open another door. This has to be her bed room. Her walls are purple not vibrant but not soft either, it suits her. Thank god she has a queen size bed with a headboard that allows me to tie her to it. I walk to her bed and sit down, her bed smells of her. Lavender and just her smell. It's intoxicating. I get up and retrieve the duffle bag I left in the living room.

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