A few days later
So it prom tonight and my A1 can't go because she got suspended. she's lucky that the school is still letting her walk and not putting this on her record. It cool because in a few days we have to select our school whichESPN is covering so I'm not mad."Devin, wake up. Let me borrow your mcm wallet."
Man forget this I say and I just lay on top of her.
"DJ get you fat ass up you killing me"
"So can I borrow your mcm wallet"
"Like damn nigga no hi no good morning, not even going to let me eat breakfast. but sure it's in my closet straight back when you walk in second draw from the top "
"Ok thanks sis"
Breakfast in the kitchen
Odell: so what's up with today
Devin: nothing just chillin
DJ: Prom
(The guys stop and look at us)
Jarvis: Devin sounds so un excited about prom and DJ just sounds like I'm going because of this chick
(Everyone laughs while trying to eat pancakes)
Quincy and Kamren: rite
Odell: why is that
DJ: It's because I'm going and she's not
Jarvis: Dev why ain't you going?
Dev: because I got in trouble
Quincy: why type of trouble
Dev: we're talking about two week suspension from school and a fine and I have community services
Odell: what did you do?
Dev: I had weed on me and I forgot about it so when I get to school I remember and this is before I walk in the building. so I leave off of campus and walk a few blocks down and go to this cut in an alley where I see a few of my friend and we smoke the weed together. The security guard cam and got me suspended for the weed and arrested for ditching
Jarvis: that security guard sounded shady like he's had it out for you
DJ: that's because he did. Devins that nigga that can never get caught. Like she would whoop a niggas ass at school and not get caught. She would do things like that and never get caught but how ever she got caught someone had to tell.
Quincy: That sounds about rite. So are you still walking the stage and is this going on your record
Dev: I'm still walking the stage and nope it's not on my record. The suspension is more like I got sick and I have to do community service so they won't tell I got suspended and missing prom is for me to walk the stage.
DJ: The coaching staff had begged them not to put this on her record because the freshman turnout for the school would drop.
Odell: so you came out on a easy punishment besides the whole prom thing
Devin: I really didn't care for prom I went last year and it was boring so I can say I went to prom and tonight I'm going to a concert so I'm straight
(Devins phone starts to ring and its Chance calling)
C: my nigga you ready for tonight
D: hell yea I've been ready
C: you can invite them niggas that are ate your house and open the front door.
( I hang up and open the door and goes back to the kitchen)
DJ: who was that
Chance: nigga it was me , what you going to do about it
DJ: I'm goi-
Dereck Sr: DJ I dare you because I really want to see Chance beat your ass
(Everyone laughs but DJ)
Dereck Sr: So Chance and Devin what are you guys doing tonight since both of you guys aren't going to prom
Chance: We're going to a concert, I'm performing and we're just going to trip off of acid
(Devin and Chance high fives each other )
Dereck Sr: i don't know why tall so happy, because I don't understand how two kids with parents that work for the government both get caught and suspended from school for two weeks. And then both of y'all can't go to prom and only one is walking the stage. Chance you could be walking the stage but you won't write your appeals letter. On god sometimes I think Chance and Devin are more related then Devin and DJ are.
DJ: Dad that's just so hurtful
Chance: He does have a pointJarvis: Lmao how do you guys just tell your parents that your going to trip off of acid like its not a drug
(Champagne party)
Jarvis: look at my nigga DJ
Odell: all Versace out, has the gold Rolex and a gold Cuban link chain
Chance: Aye look he's trying to kill these hoes for me
Dereck Sr: Yo if Chance and Devein would have went to prom that school would have got shut down
DJ, Devin, and Chance: Truuu
Kam: aye Dere-
Dereck: Mr. Morgan to you
Jarvis: Dereck your family is funny as hell
Dereck: well I hate to brag but the get everything from me
Quincy: what about their mom
Dereck: Hell no. that's a complex and complicated relationship with them and speaking of the devil
Bey: hi Dereck, Hil-
Devin: it's Devin to you Bey
Bey: Well excuse me Devin where's DJ
Devin: Trying to get away from your
(Dereck laughs, and earns a look from Bey)
Dereck: This is still my house and the door is over there
Devin: Stop yelling in the house, you act like you don't have any home training damn
Bey: I am still you moth-
Devin: don't even finish that statement because you, DJ, Dereck, and I know well better. Your lucky there's guest here because I would have called you on your bluff
DJ: Hey dad, Devin, Odell, Jarvis, Quincy, Kameron, Chance,and mom. It time for me to get going so let's take some pictures
Everyone: ok
DJ: bye you guys
Everyone: Bye DJ
Devin finally walks in the house around 3 something in the morning after partying with Chance. I'm in her room sleeping when she come in and goes to he bathroom to take a shower and comes out cuts on the tv and sit on the bed while seri g up COD, so I sit up to join her in the game.
"So what colleges have you been thinking about"
"Some on the east and some on the west"
"Are you going to tell me D"
"Naw I'm not telling anyone not even DJ, everyone's going to find out on selection day"
"So your just going to surprise people"
"Yea me and DJ both said where ever we go we're going there because we want to not because my other half is going"
"That makes sense no pressure of you guys"
"Yup so everyone will find out in 2 days but let me beat you real quick"
"Naw baby girl it don't work like that I'm going to beat you in this game and then we're going to bed"
"You cheated Odell"
"No I'm just better that you. ill play you again tomorrow so let's just go to bed"