Chapter 5: Bittersweet Stars

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The soft glow of the star-shaped lights in the tent illuminated the quiet room, casting a dreamlike atmosphere. Taiga turned her head slightly, facing Ryuuji with his name on her lips, ready to share the moment with him. But when she looked over, she realized he had already fallen asleep, his chest rising and falling in a peaceful rhythm. His mouth hung open slightly, which made her sigh with a mixture of fondness and frustration.

"Dummy," she muttered softly, reaching out to close his mouth gently. Her touch lingered, her eyes softening as a wave of sadness washed over her. "My big dummy..."

Her voice was barely above a whisper, almost as if she didn't want to wake him. She gazed down at him, feeling an ache in her chest. How could I tell him anything? she wondered. He'd never understand... would he?

The question weighed heavily on her heart, but she wasn't sure of the answer. She didn't know if she could make Ryuuji understand, and that uncertainty made everything more difficult.

Her thoughts drifted, carrying her back to the last few days with her mother. When she had returned, her mother had been so happy to see her—almost too happy, in a way that felt... strange. Taiga remembered the tight hugs, the laughter, and the constant praise. Her mother had told her how proud she was, how much Taiga had grown, how she had turned into a young woman her mother could truly be proud of. For once, Taiga didn't feel like a burden, but that feeling came with a certain unease.

Her mother's happiness had almost been overwhelming. The two of them spent time together—shopping, eating at nice restaurants, laughing about old memories. Taiga had done everything she could to make her mother proud. She had smiled through the moments, even if deep down, something didn't feel right.

But the last conversation before Taiga was able to return here, to Ryuuji, replayed in her mind vividly.

Her mother had smiled warmly, her eyes shining with pride as she spoke. "You can stay there for a week, Taiga. Just one week, okay? Then you'll have to come back home. We'll get you enrolled in that expensive school, and you'll finish your last year of high school there. This is the last time you'll see your friends, so make sure you say your goodbyes and enjoy your time together."

The words had hit Taiga like a punch to the gut, but her mother had delivered them with such a proud, happy smile that Taiga hadn't been able to say anything. She had just nodded, her chest tightening with every second that passed. Her mother had made it sound so final, so certain. Like this was what was best for her—what she was supposed to want.

Now, lying in the tent next to Ryuuji, the weight of her mother's words pressed down on her. A week. That was all she had before she had to go back and leave everything behind. Her friends, this place, Ryuuji. The thought of saying goodbye, of walking away from this life, made her feel like she couldn't breathe.

Taiga lay quietly, the soft glow of the star-shaped lights above casting a gentle light on her pensive face. She felt the weight of her thoughts pulling her deeper, her mind flickering back to memories of the people she held dear.

In a low, quiet voice, she began talking to herself, as if whispering to the stars. "Minori..." Taiga's lips curled into a faint, bittersweet smile. The memory of Minori's boundless energy, her encouraging words, and her constant positivity made Taiga feel both warm and sad. Minori had always been there for her, a steady friend who seemed to understand her, even when Taiga didn't fully understand herself.

"Kitamura..." she whispered next, her mind wandering to the clumsy, earnest boy who had once been the object of her affection. His awkwardness, his kind heart, and how he had tried to make everyone around him happy, including her, filled her with nostalgia. He had been a good friend, even after the crush had faded.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15 ⏰

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