Chapter 1

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He raced toward me, fists clenched. Knowing he is going to hit me again I flinch, but when he runs past me confusion clouds my brain. I turn around to see him running for my mom. "Dad stop! What did she ever do to you?" He stops and turns to me. "She cursed me with you. You are a devil child and God will punish you." His tone is harsh. His words strike me right in the heart. I had always been a good girl. I never disobeyed him I made sure never to do so. I look to mother and the hurt in her eyes from her husbands words brings me to tears. When my father focuses his gaze on my mother again he barrels toward her and repeatedly throws punches at her 7 months pregnant stomach. I try to run to her to help her but he throws me back not allowing me to get close. I am sitting in the corner crying watching my father punch my unconscious mother in her pregnant belly.

I am awoken by a violent shaking at my shoulders. I am drenched in sweat and my loose shirt is clinging to me like glue. My eyes are wild and I can feel the dried tears on my cheeks from minutes ago. My mothers hands grip at my shoulders and when I look up at her, there is worry clear in her green eyes. "Same dream?" She asks removing her hands from my shoulders and stroking my hair slowly, helping calm me. I nod and burry my face in her hair. The familiar arms around my back are the most comforting thing I will ever receive from anyone.

After the night my mother was brutally abused by my father she divorced him and we moved as far away from him as we could get. A few weeks later she had a doctors appointment at which they told her she had lost her baby. I saw it coming but it was still very painful for me and my mother. If it wasn't for my abusive father I would have and adorable one year old baby sister right now.

I have become extremely close with my mother since we left my father. It has been a year and a half and we are about to celebrate my 13th birthday party. My mother has decorated the house beautifully with balloons and streamers and even bought me a pink cake. My favorite color. Which displays "Happy birthday Lily!" On the front.

I jump in the shower before my guests arrive and curl my hair at the ends. I slip on my birthday dress. It's fitted at the top and has a black belt around the waist the top is pink and turns into gray when is hits my waist. After I finish my look I admire myself in the mirror before joining my mother in the kitchen to help her with a couple chores.

As soon as I walk into the kitchen my mother gasps. "You look beautiful peanut." She says pulling me into a hug. She always feels the need to hug me. I mean I love hugs from my mom but sometimes she gives me to many hugs in one day. I guess today is an accept I on because it is my birthday. "What are you thinking?" She asks noticing my slightly annoyed look. "That you give me way to many hugs." I say poking my finger in the icing jar and swiping in across her nose. She giggles and repeats my action. We are cut short by the doorbell. We turn to the door at the same time and race to it. I reach the handle before her and open the door. My best friend Lacey is standing on the porch gift in hand. "Lily! Happy birthday girl!" She squeels pulling me into a hug. Lacey has been my best friend since I was 4. She knows all of my deepest secrets good and bad.

When everyone arrives we decide that everyone is hungry and we shovel down slice after slice of pizza. After pizzza I open presents. Mom hands me hers first. It's a small box wrapped in pink wrapping paper. I pull of the black bown and rip through the paper. I open the lid and find a silver bracelete with one single charm on it, a peanut. Peanut is what my mom has always called me ever since I was a 7 when I wanted to name our dog peanut. "Mom, love it!" I say fastening it on my wrist.

Gift after gift, cake after more cake the party comes to an end and everyone leaves but Lacey. Her parents are both out of town and her grandparents who drove her here are sleeping by now. Being the polite people we are we drive her back to her grandparents house. On our way back I turn to my mom in the drivers seat "Thanks for party mom, I had a lot of fun." She smiles and squeezes my hand running her finger over my bracelet "You're very welcome peanut." I turn my attention back to the road when a deer jumps out in front of the car. My mom jerks the wheel and the car flips and rolls down the big hill. We hit tree after tree and flip and flop and crash into everything in our path. When we finally stop rolling, I look over to find my mom. My breath hitches and I scramble over to her. A tree branch sticks straight through her chest poking out her back. Her eyelids are wide open but she doesn't move or blink. I put my ear to her heart and instantly break into full on sobs. I curl up into her lap and lose consciousness.

(I will try to update every day until school starts. Make sure to vote. Xoxo)

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