Day dreaming

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Karkat's pov

As my father ranted and preach how God was amazing as fuck. I sat there, thinking of eridan.

His smooth olive skin, matching his violet eyes. His dark chocolate hair shined in the sun turning into milk chocolate, with the vanilla yellow like high lights matching with him.

God, he was so perfect. Well to me, and yea I admit. He can come as an asshole but with his sass, he's still has his moments where you forget he's an asshole. You know?..

I sigh and listening to my dad preach more and more. God, just stop please.

Eridan and I are both Mexicans but my damn pale skin doesn't make me look like it. It's because I'm to fucking good to be in that radiation sunlight so I can have fucking cancer too. Fuck that shit, I would rather be a vampire than get a sun burn. And no we don't have accents, well his dad has it when he gets pissed off. My dad just has to naturally.

So basically, we both the same raise in Florida. Hopefully Eridan also gay or at least bi and finds me fucking hot even though I'm kinda a fatass and pale as fuck. But me and him might be a thing.

God I sound like a hopeless romantic, and that's fucking Eridan.


I bet your asking, how did I knew I loved Eridan? Well it's kinda fucking long story.

It's basic were I found out about gay porn and well you should fucking know. Than let's just say I started looking at guys at my school, and I mean look at him. Being their asses and such. And feeling a bit strange forward Eridan.

Some months or maybe a fuckin year, I honestly don't give a damn.

I always found myself staring at other guys, and I mean looked.

Even with Eridan, I just kept looking at him. He is pretty good looking, just that he comes out as an asshole.

I started to think of Eridan more and more. It was an everyday thing I did, I though of him in the moring, noon , and the night. Until I was talking to someone, like Sollux or Gamzee. Than I'll get annoyed knowing that I only wanted to talk about or think about Eridan.

I bet your wondering how I meant Eridan, well my brother Kankri. When he was alive and well had to tutor a fucking wannabe greaser named Cronus Ampora. God his annoying New Yorker accent annoyed the hell out of me. But anyway, kankri couldn't leave a  me a fucking alone so indeed he took me over to the mansion of the Ampora's.

As soon as we knocked stood a boy taller than but the same age. I can surely remember the way he yelled out for Cronus.

"Cro!! Your crush is here!!'" As he yelled than looked at Kankri who was blushing redder than I have ever seen before. Than Eridan looked back at me, his violet eyes  covered by dorky Harry potter glasses looked into my blood red ones.

Now remembering how Cronus yelled at Eridan and playful pushing him out. Walking with Kankri to his room doing god knows what. Leaving me with a nerd.

Which was the best thing that ever had happen to me.

"Amen!" My father yelled and along with the crowd in church. I groaned and repeated what he said


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