A Real Boring Summer

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Hi! Idk when I'm gonna upload this but it's probably not gonna be very good considering I'm only 11 and my writing is pretty mediocre. Like I said PG 13 for language and maybe SOME suggestive dialogue. So any way here we go.

Niall's POV:

"What should we do?" I asked really bored.

"Commit multiple felonies!" exclaimed Louis sitting up on the couch.

"Lou! We've been over this!" yelled Harry from across the living room.

"We could go out to lunch or go to the beach." suggested Zayn ignoring them.

"What if we go camping!?" Exclaimed Liam suspiciously eager.

              It was the middle of July and we still had no plans for the summer. It was an average of like 90 degrees every day so we had already done a lot of things involving water. (A/N ik they're European so they don't use fahrenheight and feet and all that stuff, but i'm american and don't feel like looking up all the conversions so i'm just gonna use farenheight and feet in this.) So that was kinda getting old. Camping didn't sound too bad, but I'm not sure how the rest of the boys will feel about it.

 "Like in a tent?" asked Zayn "That doesn't sound to bad to be honest!"

"Who are you kidding you can't go two days without your hair dryer and Niall needs a Nandos in walking distance at all times!" teased Louis.

"Shut it Tommo." snapped back Zayn.

Louis did have a point. Not about the hairdryer and Nandos specifically but it would be kinda hard for us to be stuck without like any technology for like a week or two. I still liked the idea though.

"I say we go camping!" said Harry.

"Yeah, seams fun!" I finally spoke up.

"Then it's settled One Direction is going camping!" yelled Liam.

"That was really cheesy, Payno." said Louis ruining the vibe.

"Shut up." shot back Liam.


A/n Sorry it was so short. This kinda sucked tbh. I don't know where I'm going with this so hopefully people like it. I'll probably update it at least once a week if not more. Also throughout this my bestie, @Qourall is gonna help me so creds to him. Well Byeeee:).

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