CHAPTER 6: Cold-Hearted Pain

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Cold-Hearted Pain: Ice Cube TF MTF TG / MC


(I rewrote this due to the age concern.)


Issac Blues, age 18, was a slightly younger brother who always stuck with his older sister Sanna, and he was forgiving towards people very often.

Sanna always looked over him, making sure he was safe and sound. In fact, she got pretty pissed off whenever someone teased him.

So Issac was sitting on the couch, watching TV with Gavin, who was 18 just like him.

Travis, Florence and Sanna were discussing about the five students who had left all of a sudden while Gavin and Issac were watching BFDI on the TV.

"Man, this show is awesome," Issac commented with a smile as Gavin leaned forward with anticipation.

Meanwhile, with the older siblings' discussion...

"How come five people are gone? It hasn't even been a week yet...Something is off." Sanna commented, her long white hair slightly blowing in the breeze coming from a nearby opened window.

"Honestly, I don't think it's much of a deal," Florence replied, slightly shrugging his arms.

"Yeah, maybe they just moved on to a different college or something, or maybe even got sick and left." Travis added, his gray coat blowing as well.

"But who would even leave this early?" Sanna questioned.

As they continued discussing, Issac was too busy with Gavin and didn't see a man with blue hair in a black suit approaching him...

But suddenly, Forin had  stabbed his back with a light blue syringe.

"Ow!-" He slightly yelped, but Forin was already gone.

Issac felt his arms begin to numb a lot, as he walked over to Sanna.

"S-Sanna? My arms feel funny..." He slightly trembled, as his arms began to detach.

Sanna turned around.

"What's wro-" But before she could finish, his arms strip off their sockets, blood spilling onto the floor as Issac screamed at the top of his lungs, which began to freeze up.

Florence puked up in his mouth, Travis immediately looked away, Sanna gaped in shock, and Gavin started crying while watching Issac in horror, who began to feel his skin starting to freeze.

And whaddya know, Issac felt like a she. 

Immediately, she felt her legs beginning to darken and thin into black stick limbs, her feet merging into black semicircles.

Not only that, her skin became solid frozen, reshaping itself into a cubic form.

Her light blue hair fell out in clumps, and her ears and nose shrunk back into her head, her eyes and mouth becoming black dots and a line.

"" Issac slowly mumbled in a high-pitched, feminine voice.

Gavin immediately began shaking and crying, while Sanna hugged her brother, who was now a sentient ice cube with limbs.

And then, they finally found out why people have been disappearing.

They haven't been disappearing, but turning into objects...

And as Issa C began to lose memory, forgetting about Sanna and her close friend Brandon.

Isse Cu began remembering competing in BFDI, being put as an alternate for the Alliance, and her desperation of revenge started slipping back.

Icse Cube then forgot about humanity completely, and eventually, Issac was dead, Ice Cube in his place.

"Wha?" Ice Cube looked around as she wrangled free out of Sanna's arms, running off.

Sanna dropped to the floor on her knees, breathing heavily as she felt her hands tremble, as Travis and Florence rushed down to help her calm down.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she knew her dear brother was gone.


Filo peeked from Sanna's college room window, holding a white syringe while smiling.

She would join her brother soon...

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