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Lilian and her mother walked into the dining room

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Lilian and her mother walked into the dining room. The queen sat at the head of the table, and poured you a cup of tea.

 The queen sat at the head of the table, and poured you a cup of tea

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Queen Elizabeth Seraphina:"So how's your school lately?"

Lilian serenity:"I really enjoy school, mom".

Queen Elizabeth Seraphina:"Glad to hear that! What's your favorite subject?".

Lilian serenity:"I really like history, mom".

Queen Elizabeth Seraphina: "History is an interesting subject, I'm glad you enjoyed it." She said, then she took a sip of her tea.

Lilian serenity:"Mom, did you know that I have a lot of friends at school?"

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Lilian serenity:"Mom, did you know that I have a lot of friends at school?".

Queen Elizabeth Seraphina:"Glad to hear that! I'm glad you made new friends and are close to your classmates. Remember to always be kind to others, and treat them the way you want to be treated".

Lilian serenity:"Okay, Mom".
She said while nodding my head and smiling sweetly.

Queen Elizabeth Seraphina:"Now, how about you tell me some stories about your friends?"

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Queen Elizabeth Seraphina:"Now, how about you tell me some stories about your friends?".
She looks at you with a gentle smile.

Lilian serenity:"I have a lot of stories, mother".

Queen Elizabeth Seraphina:"Then I want to hear them all!".
She was disappointed and poured herself another cup of tea.

Lilian serenity:"I had a lot of fun with my friends at school

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Lilian serenity:"I had a lot of fun with my friends at school. We had sleepovers, played games, and laughed together. It was great to have so many people who cared about me and made me feel welcome".

Queen Elizabeth Seraphina:"That's wonderful, honey. It's important to have people in your life who support and care about you. I'm glad you've found such a special group of friends".
She smiled warmly.

Lilian serenity:"Mom, I want to tell you a secret".

My voice became softer and I looked into her eyes with a warm smile.

The queen, she leaned forward, listening intently.

Queen Elizabeth Seraphina:"What's wrong, honey?".

Lilian serenity:"Mom, did you know, Princess Vivian Sophie is the 3rd princess of the Sophie kingdom of Aurorise?".

Queen Elizabeth Seraphina:"Yes, honey I know. But how did you know that?".
She gasped and her eyes widened.

Lilian serenity:"she is my friend, she goes to the same school as me".

Queen Elizabeth Seraphina:"wow, that's great I'm glad you two are friends. You know, princess Vivian has always been a kind and gentle girl, just like you".

She smiled lovingly.

Lilian serenity:"And ma'am, I have friends with some other nobles. I didn't expect that I would also be quite famous among the other nobles".

Queen Elizabeth Seraphina:"it's no wonder, dear. You are a very special girl with a kind and gentle soul. And I'm sure the other noble children appreciate that about you, just remember to always be yourself and treat everyone with respect".

Lilian serenity:"don't worry mother I know how to do it, I am the daughter of father princess kingdom serenity, daughter of king Henry alastor".

The queen chuckled.

Queen Elizabeth Seraphina:"you are very smart, dear and you are right, you are a princess and you have a responsibility to set an example for others. But remember, you are also my daughter, and I love you unconditionally".

Lilian serenity:"Mom I can't believe I'm already 17 years old, my school is about to finish".

The queen smiled warmly.

Queen Elizabeth Seraphina:"Time flies so fast, doesn't it? But you're still my little girl, and I'll always be there for you, no matter what happens".
She stroked your hair.

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