Introductions, Victories and Kidnapping

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         Chapter 1


Getting kidnapped was not on my plans for the summer, or going to a camp for "special" kids like me, or maybe evading death like a billion times, or meeting my long lost parent, or meeting weird and dangerous creatures, but I guess it can't be help for who I am.

And what I am is dangerous.

I started the morning like any fourteen year old teenager would do. Wake up for torture- sorry I mean "school"- then go to your classes, and then go back to your dorm and sleep then repeat. It's like a torture of boredom cycle. Did I mention school?

So I woke up and thought, Last day of school. It gave me a surge of energy, and I quickly dressed up and went to the bathroom to wash my face.

I looked at my eyes. Dull Brown. My hair, a weird mixture of black and brown. As you can tell I'm not very interesting. I wore a normal white t-shirt with jeans. I grabbed my stuff, and headed for the door.


RINGGGGGG! Sounded the bell as I take my seat. The teacher started off with attendance. "Jack Anderson?" he asked and I replied with a muffled "Here". After with the attendance Mr. Blofis droned on saying, "Take your textbook to page 67..."

Seriously, I can't believe that I'm wasting my time and life here at Goode Boarding School. I sighed, boring day, same old same old, and I can honestly say that this is just going to be a long day of boredom.


"Well you know, you can just threaten him with telling a teacher or something." said my buddy Mark at lunch.

Matthew di Angelo a nice guy with amazing soccer skills, and a brilliant mind. With his black hair, and his warm chocolate brown eyes, and olive skin you can mistake him for a model.

He's adopted you see with the di Angelo family when he was very young, he told me. They're a busy family, so I've never actually met any of his relatives. I've talked to his big brother though, named Nico. He's very protective and paranoid about his little brother so he constantly calls, which I think is pretty cool. "No Mark, you know he doesn't get scared of that nonsense" I said between two full bites of pancakes. "Well if you want me to kick him in the behind just say it, gosh your dense little J" scolds Arryn.

Arryn Ryans, beatiful, smart and athletic and very scary if you piss her off. She looks like a cheerleader in disguise because of her long golden blond hair and her tanned complexion, but don't let that fool you. Her most striking feature is her eyes, stormy-gray that could analyze you and make you cringe in a single glance.

She might not look at it, but if we combined all of our brains in our table against hers we'll be completely annihilated. "How any times do I have to say never to call me little J ever again!" I exclaimed. "Eh, suit your self little J" she teased. As you see she's an amazing friend, but she gets better and cooler I promise. "Ryn, come on you know he doesn't like being called like that", reasoned Gabe.

Gabriel Abelard the reason in our group. He's been friends with Arryn since birth and the only one that can calm her down when she's mad. Compared to Arryn he has dark tanned skin and cool black eyes with messy jet black hair darker than anyone's even Marks and has a muscular built for any athletic activities. Though with his love for sports he prefers school and books which at first I though was a little weird, but I had to like it because I didn't want Arryn's fist in my face.

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