kingdom perceptions

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yeah hello guys good evening um i was just informing you that before you sleep you should pray to God, thank him for all his greatness, he has protected you from all the dangers of the devils and he has give you his breath so before sleep just remember to thank him for for his favor, for his grace because we don’t deserve his grace, it’s just a favor from our king from our lord and when you wake up don’t forget to pray again because our reference “jesus christ" usually prayed every morning ,why? because he used most of the time in the morning to pray with God and he healed the people with demons and sicknesses in a few minutes.that is the secret in Kingdom living when you give God your time he multiplies everything you have,jesus once said to to his disciples that , no one who has ever left his family or his loved one or his house and come to me and be remained the same, i will multiply him and all that he possess and what people fights for long years and long period of time he will give you a divine shortcut for it, and he doesn’t do that for you but he do that for his own reputation. so if you give God your two hours in the morning he will multiply you up day, he will give you something to do that will be productive ,while other people they have been running for it for several years but he’ll give you in a few seconds because you have give you you have give him his time.
You know the greatest weapon that devil uses .if you have ever reas bible you will find devil is so stupid and much clever,remember bible says devil was dropped from heaven,that is eternal place so he is a spirit and spirits have much wisdom than you think, so in book of Ezekiel says that, the wisdom of devil or Lucifer it is still there God could take it out from him but now his wisdom is corrupted and he uses it for bad ways .now devil’s greatest weapon is that , he gives humans to do and have Good things that are not right for them to have or possess or do .and God is watching us and he is telling us everyday stop having Good things that are not right to you ..anyways this topic on discovering devil is too deep ,once you understand him ,he won’t control you forever.because he is stupid and his wisdom is corrupted.
Now remember the nature of kings ,whatever you give like any king maybe ten thousand dollars ,he won’t give you the same ten thousand dollars you put pressure on him so he multiplies read you bible in book of solomon and watched that lady queen that heard about king Solomon kingdom and he went there and he gave Solomon some of his Gold and solomo thereafter he multiplied it than the queen gave to him .
Ooh Jesus🙇. Once you understand this principle of giving to a king you will not be forced to removes sacrifice and tithes .but because you we don’t understand how Kingdom works that’s why we don’t have knowledge of kingdom .and God says, thing that destroy us (humans) that we don’t have knowledge and Satan usually controls you on something you don’t know either. anyway this is deep statement my friends.when you give him ten thousand dollars he gives you more than ten thousand dollars why, because he wants to show that his glory to you .all kings likes and love glory that’s why God normally blesses us even when you have done dumb things because if he blesses you and people asked you how did you manage to get this and that ,the moment you say it is only God ,then you have return glory to God but we normally don’t understand how is it important to declare his name Infront of people ,now when you give God your time in the morning like when God said to the bible says that we should offer tithes.Now, tithes is anything you receive. Even your time, you should offer tithes on your given time ,24 hours.
In 24 hours, we have two hours and like 40 minutes, right?.In 24 hours divided by 10, I think it’s two hours, like 24 minutes or 40 minutes. Those two hours, when you give to God, your day will be very marvelous, very brilliant. So just one day, try. And in the morning, try to wake up, pray.
Then you’ll see how your day will go. You won’t regret your decision.If you understand that if you give a king anything,he multiplies it, this is a secret to kingdom living.Try to do that and you’ll see the wonders of our king.Thank you. Have a good night.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2024 ⏰

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