Nine: Dinner pt 2

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The room buzzed with a mix of confusion and apprehension as everyone stood there staring at one another

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The room buzzed with a mix of confusion and apprehension as everyone stood there staring at one another. The tension between Chris and Dave was palpable, an unexpected twist that neither me nor Monica had anticipated.

"Hey, Um Dave," Monica said, trying to keep the atmosphere light as Monica turned to Dave. "This is Chris, my friend Tati's date. Chris, this is Dave."

Dave and Chris continued to stare at one another intensely, their expressions a blend of surprise and rage. I noticed Monica's eyes darting nervously between them, her usual confidence wavering.

"Nice to meet you," Chris said with a forced smile, extending his hand to Dave. Dave shook it firmly but didn't return the smile, his demeanor cool.

"Likewise," Dave replied curtly, his eyes narrowing slightly as he assessed Chris.

I cleared her throat, trying to defuse the tension. "Well, dinner is ready. Why don't we all sit down and eat? We can get to know each other better over a nice meal."

As everyone took their seats around the dining table, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that lingered in the air. The food was delicious—my mac and cheese was creamy and rich, and the pork chops were perfectly seasoned—but the meal was overshadowed by the undercurrent of tension.

I did my best to steer the conversation away from anything that might provoke a confrontation. "So, Chris, how did your day go?"

Chris offered a polite smile, but his gaze kept flicking toward Dave. "It was good. Just busy with work. How about you, Dave? How's everything going on the East side"

Dave's eyes met Chris's, the exchange brimming with unspoken challenges. "It's going well. We've made some good progress. You know how it is." Monica and I couldn't help but look at one another, I think we both were trying to figure out if they knew each other and why there was so much tension between them.

The conversation continued in this vein, with forced pleasantries and polite inquiries. You could feel the strain as everyone tried to maintain a facade of civility. Every now and then, Dave would catch Chris's eye, and the tension between them seemed to intensify.

Finally, as the meal came to a close, I decided to take matters into my own hands. "How about we move to the living room and relax a bit? I've got some dessert prepared, and we can just hang out and chat."

Monica and Dave agreed, and you watched as they headed to the living room. Chris lingered in the kitchen for a moment, his expression thoughtful. I followed him, hoping to get a sense of what was going on.

"Chris, what's up?" you asked quietly as you entered the kitchen.

He turned to face you, his expression softening slightly. "I just didn't expect to see Dave here. And he's not exactly my favorite person." So they did know each other and they don't like each other, of course this would happen to Monica and I, just our damn luck

My heart sank at this new revelation. "Why? What happened between you two?"

Chris hesitated before speaking. "It's a long story, but let's just say we have some bad blood between us and I didn't think we'd cross paths anytime soon, especially not tonight."

I took his hand, squeezing it gently. "Look, I know this is awkward, but can we try to make the best of it? I really want tonight to go well."

Chris sighed, looking into my eyes with a mix of frustration and affection, "Alright, I'll try. For you."

I smiled gratefully and leaned in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks."

As we rejoined the others in the living room, you found Dave and Monica chatting animatedly. The atmosphere seemed a bit lighter, but you could still sense the residual tension.

"Hey, everyone," I announced as Chris and I entered the room, carrying a tray of desserts. "I've got some sweet treats to finish off the night."

Monica's eyes lit up as she saw the dessert. "Ooh, that looks amazing!"

Dave managed a genuine smile. "Yeah, that looks great."

Setting the tray down I served everyone, hoping that the shared enjoyment of dessert would ease the tension. As I sat down, you glanced at Chris, I could tell he was trying real hard to hold his tongue and not pop off on Dave, I was thankful that nothing has gone wrong yet, but the night was still young.

As the evening progressed, I could see both Dave and Chris making an effort to be civil. There were moments of genuine laughter between Chris and I, and Dave and Monica but not with Chris and Dave the underlying tension was still very much lingering through the room. I could sense that the night was a test for both of them, and while Monica and I tried to get them to talk to one another, they were adamant on ignoring each other and kept their distance from one another it was clear that these two would never be friends.

Eventually, the night drew to a close. Dave and Monica made their departure as Monica walked Dave outside leaving me and Chris alone in the apartment. I stood in the living room looking at Chris.

"Tonight was something," i said, turning to face Chris as he stood next to me

He nodded, his expression a mix of relief and contemplation. "Yeah, it was. I'm just glad it's over, no offense." I could tell Chris wasn't happy, now I was scared I just ruined everything all because I wanted to have a double date.

I took his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, yet again "I'm sorry if I would have known you and Dave had issues I wouldn't have suggest a double dinner with the both of you."

Chris smiled faintly, pulling you into a gentle hug. "Don't worry about it ma, from now on all dates will just be us two" Pulling away from him, I gave him a smile.

Monica made her way back into the house, since Dave was gone that was Chris's cue to leave, planting a small kiss on my cheek we said our goodbyes, once the door was closed I sighed as I fell onto the couch with Monica joining me.

"Well that was almost a disaster, Dave didn't tell me much but never again will they be invited to dinner with one another." Monica stated

"I agree." Both of us let out a sigh, continuing the chill on the couch I couldn't help but me more intrigued to find out why those two hated each other so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15 ⏰

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