1. It's crazy, right?

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Hi and welcome to another of my fanfics for supernatural. I just want to make a quick note here and say that this book will have 'smut' in the story, and usually I would tell you when the mature content was coming in the chapter, but there seems to be a lot, so I'm not going to be alerting you this time. I'm not sure if this will be better, or if you prefer to know?

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have writing it. I believe Crowley deserves to be loved, as do we all, so if you make any comments, please be nice.

Enjoy the story




I pulled the angel blade from the demon as the vessel's body fell to the floor and I found my thoughts going to the image of what I thought the throne room in Hell would like and where I had heard that the demons we killed would appear. In front of their King, or at least that was what I thought. I had never seen the throne room, but I imagined what it would look like from the things I'd been told. As I thought about the throne room, I once again found my mind was engulfed by the images of him and my whole body started tingling with my want for him.

How had it happened? When did it happen? I questioned myself as the thought of him came to me once again. I hadn't even met him so how had I managed to fall for the one being that would never return my feelings? Why did the thought of him send tingles throughout my whole body. He was pure evil. He was worse than that, he was the king of everything evil. Crowley, the King of Hell and the one being to capture my heart. I shouldn't feel this way towards him. I am a hunter, I should hate him, I should want him dead, but instead I wanted to know what his touch would be like, what his lips would feel like against mine.

"Damn it Y/N!" Dean screamed at me as he stabbed the demon who was standing beside me ready to strike. I didn't know what was happening to me, but whenever I thought about Crowley, I got sidetracked, like now. Thank God Dean was here. Focus Y/N! I told myself as I looked over at Dean once again with an apologetic look.

Dean Winchester, my friend and hunting partner for today, actually we had been hunting together on and off for the past few months and I watched Dean meet so many women and take them home for, well whatever he did with them. Why wasn't I one of the women, I wasn't interested, and I guess he knew that because he never asked or tried to make the moves on me at all.

"Is that the last of them?" Sam asked as he glanced around looking for more demons that might attack. Sam Winchester, Dean's brother was the quiet one and he would have a drink with me sometimes when Dean left for the night, but once again I couldn't think of being with him either.

No, my heart was being affected by the one being that I should not want to be with. What was wrong with me? I had managed to hide my thoughts and desire from both the boys, but I found myself thinking more about Crowley and less about what was going on in front of me. I didn't know how to stop myself. I had heard the stories about the King of Hell, and it wasn't until I saw a picture on Dean's phone of Crowley that I even knew what he looked like. It wasn't a nice picture either, Crowley was in the background, so the picture wasn't even really clear, but I'd seen enough.

"What the Hell Y/N?" Dean stepped up in front of me, glaring at me questioningly. He was slightly taller than me, so he leaned over me. I knew he was angry, but he didn't scare me as I shook my head and answered, "I don't know. My mind just drifted."

"Drifted?" he snapped, and I could hear the anger now, and see it in his green eyes as they glared at me.

"Yeah. It won't happen again" I heard the words but knew I couldn't be sure that I was telling the truth.

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