Part One of One

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Before I begin writing this, I would like to remind people that this story is pure fiction.
If it isn't something that you agree with then please, just leave.
I wrote this story for myself, and would also like to apologise for any grammatical errors. I am still proof reading.

Also, it hasn't been segmented into chapters, this is the complete story, please let me know if I should continue the series.
Image credit to Google Images


The scent hit me strongly as I walked through the small clearing toward the edge of our territory; my mate, I could finally smell them and although it would have been faster to reach them in my wolf form I also knew that I would not be able to control the wolf from claiming his mate if I did; so instead I walked hurriedly, trying to gain control back over the animal. As I came closer to our boarders without spying anyone an uneasy feeling came over me; there was only one pack member who would be out further than this and the prospect of them being my mate was more anxious than appealing.

When I came upon the run down cabin; the sweet aroma calling to me from within its walls begging me to seek out whom it emitted from. But before I made to enter I caught the whiff of another wolf encroaching on our territory and growling out a warning I sent a message to my father, the alpha; via the pack link.

"The warriors and I are on our way, how many are there?"

I sniffed the air cautiously before replying.

"Only one, from what I can tell father."

"Alright, were reaching the clearing now, we should only be a few more minutes." And with that my father cut the connection of the link; as I turned to where I had caught the scent of the intruder and turning into my wolf I ran off towards it.

When my father and the other warriors came into view I had already cornered the other wolf; its fur dirtied with weeks of grime and muck.

"Son, have you discovered anything about it?" My father asked of me, as the other wolves took over the guard and forced the unknown wolf along to the pack cells.

"No father, but there is something that I need to discuss with you, urgently."

He stopped beside me as the warriors continued down to the holding rooms; now in their human forms, the intruder still a wolf, forced to walk itself there between them.

"Very well, when we finish here we shall talk."

After the alpha and I had re-dressed and the wolf had been interrogated and shifted back; into a teenage boy; who looked like he was no more than sixteen, we left and headed back to his study in the pack house; the boy had been sent off to the pack doctor. The teen could not be sworn into the pack yet though, until we knew for certain that he posed no threat to the other pack members.

"So," my father began, once he was seated in his chair in the study.

"Tell me what is so urgent that you need to inform me?"

I took a deep breath before I started to explain my predicament to him.

"I discovered my mate today,"

My father leapt up from his chair in excitement and came toward me, clapping me on the back in a gesture of congratulations.

"Well done son! So who is the lucky she-wolf? Is she from our pack? Does she know?"

"Ah thanks," I replied and then quickly explained my situation.

"See dad, the thing is my mates a guy." I waited while he absorbed the information until I continued again.

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