Chapter 5

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Echosight's paws pounded the earth, heart racing as the yowls of her companions echoed in her ears. She darted through the underbrush, her breath coming in panicked gasps. A massive, snarling fox was tearing through the group of cats, its sharp teeth snapping dangerously close to them. Red fur streaked past her as claws ripped at the earth, leaving bloody tracks in its wake.

She could hear Songfern's voice calling out, but Echosight couldn't find her—couldn't see any of the others. The group was scattered, their yowls blending with the fox's growls, creating a horrifying cacophony. Stormheart's dark gray pelt flashed briefly before vanishing into the brush, and Brambleblaze was nowhere to be seen.

"Help!" Echosight screamed, her voice lost in the chaos. She twisted and turned, desperate to find the others, but everywhere she looked, the fox was there—its hot breath on her neck, its teeth bared and glistening with saliva.

She stumbled, hitting the ground hard. The fox loomed over her, its eyes gleaming with malice. It let out a guttural growl, and Echosight squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the impact.

But then, silence.

Echosight slowly opened her eyes. The fox was gone, the forest eerily still. She blinked in confusion, her body trembling with fear.

A soft voice broke through the quiet.

"You're safe now, little Echo."

Echosight turned her head, her heart still racing, and she saw a dark gray she-cat with piercing green eyes approaching her. The cat's fur was sleek, and her expression was calm, almost comforting.

"Who...Who are you?" Echosight asked, still catching her breath, her voice shaky.

The she-cat smiled gently. "I've been watching over you for a long time, Echosight. Since you were born, in fact."

Echosight blinked, still disoriented from the nightmare. She looked around, half expecting the fox to reappear, but the forest remained quiet, peaceful even. "I... I don't understand. Why would you be watching over me?"

The she-cat's gaze softened, and she sat down gracefully, her tail curling around her paws. "Because I know what you're capable of, Echosight. You've always been destined for something great."

Echosight felt a strange warmth fill her chest at the words, a mixture of relief and pride. "But... how do you know that?"

The she-cat tilted her head slightly, her eyes glowing with an ethereal light. "Because I've seen it. I've watched you grow into the cat you are today. You've always been stronger than you realize, even when you were just a kit found at the edge of the border. You belong here, and now, you have a path to walk that only you can fulfill."

Echosight's mind swirled with the words. The terror from the fox's attack faded into the background, replaced by the overwhelming sense of being chosen, of being seen. "I don't even know your name," she admitted, still shaken but feeling more grounded by the she-cat's presence.

The dark gray she-cat chuckled softly. "You'll come to know me in time. But for now, know that I am with StarClan, and I have always been watching over you. I will continue to guide you on this journey, no matter how difficult it may seem."

Echosight stared at her, mesmerized by the calm, soothing energy the she-cat exuded. She had never felt anything quite like this, the sense of being important, of being entrusted with something greater than herself. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with quiet awe.

The she-cat leaned forward, her gaze locking with Echosight's. "Remember, Echosight, you are not alone. You have always been destined for greatness, and nothing can take that away from you."

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