CH. 04 - FOUND

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~ ▪️TOBI▪️ ~

The journey to the Camp was a blur. Tobi couldn't stop glancing at Allia, who was being carried by the woman name Sonya and the man who was no older than Allia. Her breathing was steadier now, but the sight of her pale face sent waves of fear crashing through him. He couldn't help but think that any second now, she could leave him.

"Hang in there, Allia," Tobi whispered, more to himself than to her. His fists clenched at his sides as they walked. He felt useless. He'd silently promised her that he wouldn't cause her trouble, and now she was hurt because of him. Because he hadn't given up on the idea of finding other people.

The sky was turning dark by the time they reached the outskirts of Camp Bravo. Tobi could see it now--a settlement, fortified with makeshift walls of scrap metal and old fencing, nestled in the ruins of an old industrial site. Smoke rose from within, and the faint sound of voices echoed through the evening air.

There were people. Real, living people. Not the mutants or infected that were dead and lifeless. The ones he was tired of seeing.

"Welcome to camp Bravo, we hope you enjoy your stay here." the man said as they approached the gate. He tapped on the metal with the butt of his rifle, and a moment later, the gate creaked open.

Tobi was high alert, clutching onto his backpack strap. As they stepped inside, he took in the look of the camp. Inside, the camp was a small but organized community. There were tents and lean-tos, along with a few sturdy-looking buildings that had been repaired over time. Fires burned in makeshift barrels, casting flickering light across the faces of the people who lived there. They looked rough, weathered by survival, but they were alive.

Tobi's heart raced as they hurried Allia toward one of the larger buildings near the center of the camp-a makeshift infirmary, judging by the sign painted on the door. The woman carrying Allia quickly ushered her inside, while Tobi was left standing at the door, feeling helpless once again.

"Where are they taking her?" Tobi asked.

"Don't worry. She's in good hands," the man from earlier said, placing a hand on Tobi's shoulder. "Sonya's one of our best medics. We also have Mara the head of the infirmary. They'll take care of your sister."

Tobi nodded, but the knot in his chest didn't loosen. He couldn't rest until he knew Allia was okay.

"What's your name, kid?" the man asked, kneeling slightly to meet Tobi's gaze.

"Tobi," he muttered, his eyes flicking to the infirmary door. He was afraid to speak up but he needed to know too, "What about y-yours?"

"Name's Preston," the man said. "You and your sister are safe now. We've got supplies, food, and shelter here. It's not much, but it's better than what you've been dealing with out there."

Tobi nodded again, still processing everything. They had found it. They had found the camp. But something in his gut twisted he knew Allia wasn't going to trust this place, not easily. She never trusted other people. And truthfully, Tobi wasn't sure if he did either. Not yet.

"Can I see her?" Tobi asked after a long pause.

Preston looked down at him, his look softened, then he shook his head. "Not just yet. Let Sonya do her job. Your sister's tough-- she'll pull through. We'll take good care of her, I promise. In the meantime, let's get you cleaned up. You look like you could use a meal and some rest. Leila will help you find everything you need."

Just as Preston was about to speak, a girl around Tobi's age with blond hair and green eyes shows up and smiles at him.

"Leila, help him out okay?" Preston asks of her. She gives Preston a smile and a gentle nod as he rests a hand on her head before leaving.

"Hi, I'm Leila. What your name?" She asks.

Tobi blushed and hesitated but then spoke up, "Tobi." He said.

"Did you come from out there?" She asks, pointing toward the gates. Tobi nods.

"I've never been out there before, Sonya always tells me not to leave the gates. Is it nice?" Leila asks.

Tobi shook his head. "No... it's too quiet and you never know what's out there." He mumbles.

Leila wanted to ask him more, but she could tell that he was barely hanging in there. She could tell he was tired so she bit her lip and stopped herself before she said anything else.

"Come on, I'll show you around. You'll love it here!" She says. She holds out her hand, waiting for Tobi to take it. Every instinct in him screamed to stay by Allia's side, but he was drained, and Preston was right. He was filthy, hungry, and exhausted.

"Okay," Tobi finally muttered, glancing once more at the infirmary before following Leila deeper into Camp Bravo. He didn't grab her hand but he followed her. Leila half expected him not to grab her hand so she didn't push it.

As they walked, a new feeling began to stir in Tobi's chest-- something he hadn't felt in a long time. Hope. He wanted to lean into it. Embrace it. He thought that maybe this was it. The safe Haven they had finally found and could call their home.

But deep down, a small voice whispered back: Don't trust them yet.

And as much as Tobi wanted to believe otherwise, he couldn't silence that voice. Not yet.

At least not until Allia wakes up again and he hoped that she did.

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