Pasha (My OC) was a guy actually from another universe/world. Which means he will explore and know about the world he is in. He will also meet The (Hu)mane such as Applejack, Pinkie pie, Rarity, Rainbow dash, Fluttershy, & Sunset shimmer. He also me...
Pasha & Twilight are walking down a hallway, heading to the library.
Pasha: We're almost there Twilight. *No answer* Twi? *Turned around and see Twilight staring at a vending machine.*
Twilight looked at vending machine with curiosity and wondered.
Pasha: hungry? *Smile little*
Twilight Sparkle: Little. How does this thing work?
Pasha: Here, I'll show you.
Pasha took a coin out and put in.
Pasha: Which one do you want?
Twilight Sparkle: that one. *Pointed at Apple protein bar.*
Pasha pressed a button and slowly the apple protein bar fall and he took out the machine and gave it to Twilight.
Pasha: Here you go.
Twilight Sparkle: Thank you. *Unwrapped and eat it*
???: Hello Pasha.
They look behind and see a gurl with pale, light grayish cornflower blue skin, moderate purple eyes, pale cornflower blue hair with very pale cornflower blue streaks, and she was wearing a blue jacket with light blue stars on the sleeves, a purple dress with the bottom part of the dress being light blue and on the left side is a symbol of a magic wand and a crescent moon, dark blue socks, and blue and purple boots.
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Pasha: Hey there Trixie.
Twilight Sparkle: *thought* Trixie?
Trixie Lulamoon: Excuse Trixie for a moment, but she would like to use the vending machine.
Twilight Sparkle: *thinking* Yep, it is Trixie.
Pasha: Let me guess, here for usual snack?
Trixie Lulamoon: Yes, The Great and Powerful Trixie! *Dramatically before stop* ...Need some peanut butter crackers.
Trixie took out the coin and put in into a vending and pressed the button to get some peanut butter crackers.
Trixie Lulamoon: Voila! *Happily before noticed Twilight* Trixie never seen you around here before.
Pasha: You would correct Trixie. This is Twilight Sparkle. She's staying with me and my family since her family's on a month long business vacation. She's also running for Princess of Fall Formal.
Trixie Lulamoon: *eyes widened* For real?! The Great and Powerful Trixie is impressed! No one is willing to run against Sunset Shimmer for Princess of the Fall Formal which annoys Trixie that no one but Pasha here is willing to stand up to her. *Look at Pasha* Say, do you mind if The Great and Powerful Trixie and Twilight have a bit of a girl talk?