Don't blame me

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Troy pressed the knife blade a little more onto Dylans neck. It nicked her, and she cried out in pain. Dylan closed her eyes, wishing that campus security and the police would hurry.
"Look, Troy, let's talk about this. You can't expect somebody to force themselves to fall in love with you." Pete said, holding his hands up in a way to try and calm the situation.
"I just want a chance to prove myself. I am in love with you, Dylan. I want you to realise that I am worthy of your love. Don't blame me. Love made me crazy." Troy kissed Dylans neck as she sobbed. Sirens were screaming as police pulled up outside the building. There were footsteps running up the 2 flights of stairs.
"Police! Don't move!" An officer said, pointing a gun at Patrick Pete Taylor and Augustine.
"It's him, officer." Pete said, gesturing towards inside the apartment. The officer walked forward, still aiming his gun at Dylans friends. He looked into the doorway.
"Ma'am, are you ok?" He asked Dylan.
"Not really." She answered, sobbing. Troys grip tightened on her arm.
"T-troy, do you think that I will go on a date with you after all this?" Dylan asked him.
"Huh, I hadn't thought about the outcome of all this. I was trying to get you to go on a date with me." Troy looked at Dylan. "But if I slit your throat, I might not get you, but neither does Urie."
At this point, Adrenalin had kept Dylans legs from collapsing. It disappeared and she fell to the floor. "Get up!" Troy said, trying to pull her back up. Dylans legs didn't want to work anymore. A negotiator was speaking with Troy. A police officer silently coaxed Dylan towards him. She crawled towards him, crying. Troy was distracted, so he didn't realise what was going on.
Dylan reached the cop and he picked her up and carried her to the waiting ambulance. Augustine got into the back of the ambulance with Dylan, and they set off for the hospital.
"Where's Dylan?" Troy wondered, looking around the room.
"She's on her way to the hospital."
"Oh." Troy looked crestfallen. He then dropped the knife and walked towards the negotiator with his hands out, ready to have handcuffs put on. Another officer came in and put the handcuffs on. Troy didn't care. All he had wanted was Dylan, and he had failed. He knew he would most probably be thrown out of college now and lost a fantastic group of friends that included Dylan. Troy also realised now that he had probably added to her trauma. He would be forever sorry about that. Troy sighed as he was put into the back of a police car.

As the ambulance arrived at the ER, Dylan clung to Augustines hand. She had calmed a little. The doors opened, and she was taken to be booked in. Dylan didn't think she had any significant injuries. Her neck was sore, where the knife blade cut her. Physically, she was OK. Her head was 50 ways of fucked up right now. Augustine called Dylans therapist and explained what had happened.
Dylans therapist sent the on call psychiatrist to talk to her. She got out what she needed yo say, and then Augustine ordered an Uber to take them to her place. Dylans apartment was a no-go at the moment. Betty was home when they arrived at their house. She hugged Dylan. Dylan went and had a soak in the tub. Afterwards, she borrowed some of Betty's pyjamas and went back downstairs. Dylans phone was flat, so she asked to borrow a charger. As soon as she did that and turned her phone back on, her phone seemed to have perpetual notifications coming through. She called her mother and told her that she was physically OK. They spoke for a while, and then Dylan called Brendon. There was no answer, she realised that he must be on stage.
Betty had made the guestroom up for Dylan. She was exhausted. She climbed into bed, holding her phone to her, waiting for Brendons call. She knew he would be worried about her. Dylan was dozing when she felt her phone vibrating. Her eyes snapped open, and she answered the phone.
"Dylan? Baby?" It was Brendon.
"Bren." Dylan said and cried down the phone to her boyfriend.
She let everything out.
"I wish I was there to hold you." Brendon said.
"So do I. Where are you, exactly?"
"Texas." Brendon replied. Dylan sniffed and smiled.
"Lucky Texas."
"Why don't you come to the show in Florida?" Brendon asked.
"You have some vacation time coming up, don't you?"
"So, I will book your flights, and you will obviously be backstage with us. Bring Taylor or someone else."
"Augustine, if she can make it. B, she's been amazing."
"Ok then. I love you, Dylan."
"I love you, Brendon." There were a few seconds of peaceful silence.
"Ohh yea, Dan is interested in Annabel." Brendon chuckled.
"Really?" Dylan was smiling into the phone. "That's cute."
"Not as cute as you, though." Brendon said. "You are also very sexy. I am not sure if I have told you that before?"
"Not today, Bren." She laughed.
"Yea, well you are. Your gorgeous curves, your ass, thighs. Ohhhh what I would give to be between those sexy thighs." Brendon groaned after he said that. Dylan also moaned.
"Omg, Bren." Dylan closed her eyes, imagining Brendon grinding himself between her legs. She so wanted to touch herself right now.
"Baby, I want you. I want to make you feel so good." Brendons voice was barely above a whisper when he said that. Dylan moaned again, and her breath was shaky. "You want to touch yourself, Dyl?" Brendons' voice was husky now.
She swallowed, and her mouth went dry.
"I do." Dylan said softly. Brendon moaned again.
"That's so sexy, Dyl. I wish that I was there doing it for you."
Dylan moaned louder, and her hand went south.

Forgiveness    BOOK ONE IN A 3 PART SERIES Where stories live. Discover now