Chapter 4 (Hidden Pain...)

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Misty had just woke up in her bedroom and headed downstairs with her saddlebag on "hey guys is breakfast ready?" Asked Misty, Misty looked around and noticed that everyone was looking around the club house frantically "yawwnn...Morning everyone" said Surge coming out of the guest bedroom with Kit by her side "is something going on?" Asked Surge "Sonic's missing!" Said Tails in a worried tone "missing?" Asked Misty now getting worried "missing? When did you guys realized he was missing?" Asked Surge confused "just a couple of minutes ago...Usually Sonic likes to sleep in but we didn't want him to mess out on breakfast so I went to go get him, but when I got to his room he wasn't there" said Rouge worried "then I quickly told the others and now where trying to look for him" Said Rouge as she kept looking around along with Amy, Tails and Knuckles ""uh guys this house is kinda...small wouldn't you have have seen him by now?" Said Misty "sigh, she's right..." said Amy sadly "do you think Sonic ran away?" Said Tails worriedly "maybe...he has been acting strange lately..." said Amy in a sad tone "I've been noticing that too..." said Misty sadly "let's go find him" said Amy as the group was about to leave, Kit was about to say something but then became to shy to say it, so Surge helps him "wait!" Everyone stopped "can we help too?" Asked Surge "sure, you can help" said Amy in a positive tone "are you sure about this Amy?" Asked Knuckles a little worried about this "come on Knuckles give them a chance, plus you don't want to leave them here all alone, do you?" Said Amy with a smirk on her face, Knuckles was silent for a second as he suddenly imagined the clubhouse all up in flames "yeah, maybe they should come with us" said Knuckles now convinced "alright let's go!" Said Amy as everyone began to follow her.

Sonic's team along with Misty, Surge and Kitsunami were now at the beach, hoping to find Sonic "Sonic!" Called Amy "Sonic are you here?!" Called Knuckles "Sonic where are you?!" Called Tails flying all around looking very worried "Sonic? Sonic!! Sigh...Kit do you see him anywhere?" Called Surge "no sorry!" Surge looked up and saw Kit on a hill on top of a palm tree "Kit! What are you doing up there?!" Said Surge worriedly "I wanted to get a higher view" said Kit from on top of the palm tree "Kit get down from there! Your gonna fall!" "Am fine Surge, really" said Kit as he stood up on the tree, suddenly Kit slipped "Arf!" He yelp as he hang on tight to a palm tree leaf "Kit hold on!" Said Surge as the leaf ripped and Kit started falling to the ground, Surge was able the catch Kit and they both landed on the sandy ground with a thud "Kit..." said Surge "sorry..." said Kit feeling bad "it's fine...just please don't that again" said Surge setting up as kit sat on her lap. As everyone was still searching for Sonic, Misty walked over to Sonic's friends favorite team palm tree "Sonic! Huh? What's this?" Said Misty as she saw something buried in the sand, she carefully dug the object out of the sand and discovered that it was a palm tree seed "Misty do you find anything?" Asked Rouge flying down to her "not really, just this seed I just found" said Misty showing the palm tree seed to Rouge "too bad that can't help us find Sonic..." said Rouge sadly "we should look somewhere else...Sonic is not here" said Amy in a sad tone "I hope his okay..." said Tails flying down "am sure his fine Tails, let's continue searching" said Knuckles as Surge and Kit returned to them and started following them, Misty put the palm tree seed in her saddlebag, she didn't know why but something told her that she gonna need it later.

Everyone was now running around in Greenhills still searching for Sonic "so does Sonic usually disappear like this?" Asked Misty running next to the others "well he does sometimes run off to who knows where, but he always let's one of us know...this is very unlike him" said Knuckles trying to hide his worry from Misty. "Wait stop!" Said Surge as everyone quickly stopped running and looked at her "wasn't Misty able to sense me and Kit before with her magic? Maybe Misty can try using it again" said Surge "good Idea Surge!" Said Tails "Misty can you try that trick again?" Asked Tails "I'll try" said Misty as she began to use her magic, her horn shimmered and glowed "am sorry guys...I think he's too far to reach, I can't sense him..." said Misty sadly "seriously!" Said Knuckles a little annoyed "Knuckles relax..." said Rouge trying calm Knuckles down "is something going on?" Everyone look up to see Shadow the hedgehog looking down at then from on top of a Cliffside, Shadow jumped down from the cliff "hey Shadow" said Surge "hi" said Kit, Shadow just looked at them both angrily "he,he..." said Surge shyly and awkwardly quickly turning away from Shadow as Kit hid behind her "did something happened?" Asked Shadow "yes, Sonic is missing" said Rouge "What!" Said Shadow surprised "yes, we didn't see him this morning and now were trying to find him" said Tails "and I can't sense him nearby..." said Misty sadly "it's...Okay Misty" said Shadow, Misty got surprised by this, she did not expect Shadow to say that...he didn't even sound mad at her "hmm..." Shadow started thinking for a moment and turned around and looked at the temple not too far from them "Shadow?" Asked Amy "let's go check the temple" said Shadow turning back to the others "the temple? You mean the mountain? Why would Sonic be there?" Asked Tails "I have a hunch..." said Shadow "follow me" said Shadow, everyone followed him to the temple.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27 ⏰

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