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Okay! First off before the fun, we need to establish rules.

1. There will be one HOH (Head of Household). Unless told differently.

2. Two people will be put on the block during a HOH's rein. (Unless told differently.)

3. One player will be evicted in posted eviction updates. They will be announced.

4. There will be a POV (Power Of Veto) to save a person on the block. POV will be played by six players. It will be random draw

5. #Team_ means who is speaking. Also, hashtag your favs in comments.

6.There will be many twist the houseguest won't see coming!

7. Voting is simple. I'll ask the writer who their voting out of the two (refer to 2.) Their vote and reason will be posted on live updates.

8. Have Nots! This is difficult, but have nots will be forces to do a challenge. It will be between POV and eviction update. Each player that is a have not has one chance to not be a have not for the next update, if they can do the challenge.

9. HOH competitions will be physical, and more mental. It will be like a large video game for the writers. For you, it'll all make perfect sense. Like watching tv.

10. We will have alliances, and we will have one very special for the readers.

11. All conversations an actions that go on, will be chosen by the characters author. Only actions not chosen, will be completely up to me.

12. I'll introduce myself as the host. My name as the host is Sassi.

13. You can #TeamSassi for all the gory info on the player Of your choice.

14. All players have accounts. Some characters are made up for me to still be able to run the story. They can still be your favorites though!

15. Each player is a writer on watt pad. Each eviction update will consist of the votes of the players, and why they're voting to get rid of them. They will be able to see the hole houses feelings. I will have special updates to chat with evicted players to ask why their game ended.

Thanks you guys for helping make this happen! I love you all!!

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