The Noise

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It was a cold night on a farm, Where Jack woke up to his dog barking. Jack came out of his house with his 12 gauge shotgun screaming. "Who's on my farm, Get your ass off my property." Jack shot two times in the air and all the animals stop making noise. In the morning Jack woke up to a red scarecrow in the middle of his cornfield. He went closer to investigate the Scarecrow, When he got there he touched the Scarecrow and felt a strange presence from the scarecrow. He went back inside the house and go on his day after destroying the Scarecrow and not give a fuck about it. The next day Jack woke up in the middle of the field with his hand tied to a post wearing a red scarecrow suit he yelled and yelled for 10 minutes. Until the neighbor tom by the other Farm came to see what's going on when Tom got there he saw jack tied up like a scarecrow with crows all around him he cut down jack and asked him. Jack gives tom a horrifying look explaining to Tom what happened. All I know is that I came home, I tried to sleep and then I fell asleep. I woke up like this in a costume I burned yesterday. I taught someone was pulling a prank on me when I saw a red Scarecrow in the middle of my cornfield. I destroyed it and I went to my job then I end up here. The neighbor took Jack inside and helped him out and then go on back to his farm Jack was there in the couch sitting down smoking a cigarettes after cigarettes thinking about what the hell just happened. "Who has the balls to do this bullshit to me? I didn't even hear my dog barking." Jack called out to his dog Simon. "Simon come here boy." when Simon got closer to Jack Simon didnt see Jack he saw the Scarecrow in red calling him. Simon went to attack the Scarecrow and put Jack on his hands and legs. Jack wanted to know what the hell is going on with Simon. When Jack ran in the bathroom to wash the blood from his hands and legs. He saw straws coming out his hands and his legs when he looked in the mirror he see the Scarecrow laughing at him. Jack tried to scream for help but when he opened his mouth straws start to sow his mouth shut. He tried to run outside for help but before he gets to the neighbor's house he realized He cannot move no more. When Jack looked down he saw he's back on a post. He tried his best to scream and to move but he could not get a peep out of his mouth. Jack tried to move his eyes but his eyes looked like it was sewing shut. Two weeks later Tom came by to check up on Jack. When Tom went inside he saw jack dog dying of starvation and the cows were starving too. Tom called out to Jack. "Jack? Jack? Are you home? Where are you?" No matter how loud Tom scream there was no sign of Jack. Tom went to report it to the police station because it looked like Jack was never home for ages. When Tom reached to the police station the police said. "You cannot make a missing person report unless it's been 24 hours." "I have not seen this guy for 2 weeks. The last time I saw him was when he was tied up on a post looking like a scarecrow." The policeman looked confused and asked Tom. "Are you on crack sir." No I do not do drugs sir. I am serious about this you can come with me and I can show you that the dog and the animals are dying and there's no sign of the owner. He is not in the house and the door is open. The police left with Tom to investigate Jack's house. Upon getting there they saw 12 different scarecrows. All of them were wearing red in the middle of the field the police were shocked and said. "This guy really has a fetish for scarecrows." They search for Jack for weeks after weeks and then give up the search because they couldn't find jack anywhere. Jack farm animals and the dog was given to tom because Jack didn't have any family members. Months and months has passed every day Tom pass by Jack's house he sees this specific scarecrow that looks like Jack from a distance, but every time he gets closer the image disappears. Tom decided to destroy all the red scarecrows. Upon leaving the farm tom heard something fall and turned around to see a red scarecrow holding a sign that said. "YOU'RE NEXT BUDDY." Tom was horrified and ran for his life. Tom went home to get his gun and return to Jack's abandoned house. When Tom got there the Scarecrow was nowhere to be found. Tom went on back to his house. Where he saw the red scarecrow looking at him through the window of his attic. Tom run into his house to go after the Scarecrow, But when he gets to the attic the scarecrow was no longer to be found. Tom started to get scared and packed some of his clothes and left his farm, But everywhere he goes he sees that red scarecrow. He couldn't take it no longer and came back to his farm. Where he saw all 12 of the Scarecrow all in a circle with a bonfire chanting to the Gods. Tom cock back his gun and open fire in the air the Scarecrows all turn and looked at him and said to him. ONE OF US.!!! Tom started shooting at the Scarecrows, But was surprised that none of his shotgun shells can Pierce the scarecrows. Tom tried to run, But the Scarecrow chopped off one of his legs with a hoe. Tom was screaming. "please.. please... What have I done to deserve this shit." The scarecrow looked at Tom and said. "You killed one of my brothers. Now you will join us just like your stupid friend that you killed. now you're going to take his place." "I don't want to take anyone's spot. Get the fuck off me asshole." Hahahahahaha foolish man. You think you can just kill my brothers and get away with it. You know how the game goes an eye for an eye. Tom tried to hop on his one leg to his car to get away but there was no use upon opening the door.the scarecrow Grabs Tom by the neck and drag him into the middle of the circle. Where the 11th scarecrow was there doing prayers to the god all of them saying together. ONE OF US.!!! ONE OF US.!!! Tom tries to scream and fight back, But when the 11th scarecrow stop chanting to the god. Tom hands started to change. Tom skin started to fall off his flesh Tom started to look like straws his whole body started to turn into a scarecrow. Tom scream and scream and scream for help, But no one showed up. Tom started to pray to be saved. Upon praying he noticed he can't talk no more. When he went to open his eyes his eyeballs pop out off his head. The next morning the three of the officer showed up to Tom's house where they saw a beautiful garden. The first officer that came to Tom house for Jack investigation didn't remember seeing a beautiful garden there. "Wait, I have never seen this Garden here before."  "Maybe he just put it in there for decoration." "Maybe he just put it in there for decoration." The officer shouted out to Tom to see if he was home, But no one answered. They went back for a warrant to enter Tom's house, But Tom was nowhere to be found. Everyday for two weeks the officers drive up Tom's house wondering how two people just magically disappear. Upon the last day the officers came to visit Tom's house for the last time. Where they heard a whisper coming from the garden. HELP US.!!! 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17 ⏰

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