Chapter 4 - An Off Note: Part One

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My dog had an operation on Tuesday and I had a bit of a freak out about it so didn't get much editing done, therefore I've split this chapter into 2 parts and I'll post the other in a couple days. Didn't want to leave yous with nothing!

Flùr - flower (flOOr)

Chapter 4: An Off Note

A soft breeze cooled the already warm morning air, causing flowers to bob their colourful heads along to our conversation. Mum was busy trying to convince Laura to let her buy something for her to wear tomorrow, and Laura was attempting to adamantly refuse to no avail. Maybe I should have tried to help her, but my mind was otherwise occupied, even as I robotically ate a slice of toast and lifted a glass of orange juice to my mouth.

"Will this lad of yours be joining us any time soon?" My father pointedly lifted his gaze from his morning newspaper.

'This lad of mine' had yet to make an appearance. Whether he was still asleep, or awake and avoiding having to eat a human breakfast in the sun, I wasn't sure. "Soon. He uh, had a work call."

The statement came out more like a question but Dad didn't seem to mind. He nodded then got back to reading.

If Wren wasn't careful, he would ruin the good reputation he'd built with my mother. Not that I could blame him. The sun was so hot that I felt my skin begin to burn, even under the pale-yellow sundress I wore.

"Your cousins will be arriving tonight," mum said, standing gracefully from the table. "So we need to be back before three. Shall we say meet out front at eleven?"

"Sure, mum." I smiled. That gave me half an hour or so to track Wren down.

Only I didn't have to.

Mum heard it first, her head tipping towards the open French doors where sheer white curtains billowed about, as if dancing to the piano drifting from somewhere in the house. I couldn't make out what was being played but it was good enough to make my mum smile.

"You never said Wren could play."

"I didn't know," I replied, looking questioningly at Laura who shrugged.

I'd heard someone playing piano in the house attached to The Blackbird a few times, but I thought it was one of the vampires living there who kept their distance from me. I never would have guessed it was Wren.

"Le Cygne," Mum sighed wistfully. "One of my favourites."

Dad smiled up at his wife as she placed a hand on her chest and closed her eyes to soak in the music being expertly played. Just like that, without even having to show up to breakfast, he'd gone up some more in my parents' books.

"I better ask if he wants to come shopping with us or hide in the rafters," I murmured to Laura.

She sniggered.

Walking around the table, I pecked my father's cheek a I passed before heading inside.

It felt like I was following the notes like breadcrumbs, stepping in time with the tune that slowly got louder and louder. The double doors to the main living room, which was more a long hall where I used to watch mum host her parties, were slightly ajar, though Wren hadn't bothered to turn the lights on or open the thick curtains, so the room was shrouded in shadow. Sat on the piano stool, body moving and swaying along with the music, was Wren, more at ease than I'd ever seen him before. Eyes closed, head tipped slightly to one side, a smile played around his lips. A smile that faded as soon as the door I leaned against creaked.

An off note rang through the air.

Wren stiffened and the music fell silent.

"I didn't mean to disturb you," I excused, slipping inside the room.

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