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A/n: new fic story with Elizabeth Olsen. As said in the description, in this Story she's not famous nor are her relatives. I hope you guys enjoy! :)

Wordcount: 1692

Trigger warning: anxiety attack

Y/n pov

I was walking through the streets of New York City with my headphones blasting music. I only moved here two days ago. I've never been to the city before so I was walking around trying to get to know the ins and outs. It was a Saturday afternoon on a cold autumn day. Walking around 5th avenue I saw a bookstore that looked cute so I went in to look for some new books to read.

The store was really nice and cozy and had a chill vibe. There were some chairs and a couch in the corner to chill and even a coffee machine where everyone could get a free coffee. This was definitely a place where I would come back.

I enjoyed walking around and looking through a few books before I grabbed my two favorites and went up to the counter to check out. "That'll be $26, please" the cashier said while putting the books in a bag. "Here you go" I said giving him a $50 bill. He gave me the change and I grabbed the bag ready to leave.

While I was putting some music on I accidentally walked into someone. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention" I quickly said a little shocked looking at the woman I bumped into. "That's okay" she said with a kind smile. "What book did you buy?" She asked me while I put my phone in my pocket. I grabbed my headphones and put them in the bag with my books. "I bought a Spanish book, it's called Culpa Mia, and They Both Die at the End" I said to the woman standing in front of me. "Oh you speak Spanish?" She asked. I don't know if she was just being polite by asking me or if she was actually interested. "I- uhm yeah I do" I said hestitating. "Well I was going to look around the store and grab a coffee, I know you've already bought some books but do you want to join me?" I looked at her confused. She wants me, a confused 16 year old girl wandering the streets of New York City, to join her? "It's okay if you don't want to, don't feel forced" she added. "No, no, I'd like to join you" I gave her a smile.

She grabbed a coffee and offered me one aswell. I declined her offer since I absolutely despise the taste of it. Then we sat in the corner of the store on the couch. "So what's your name honey?" The woman asked me while she sat down. "Y/n" I said. She gave me a kind smile "that's a pretty name, I'm Elizabeth but people call me Lizzie" I nodded. "How long have you been speaking Spanish?" "My whole life, I'm half Mexican" I said picking the skin around my fingers. I suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling taking over. "I love the language, I wish I spoke it" Elizabeth said noticing me picking my fingers. "Do you live around here?" I asked her trying to keep the conversation alive. "I do, I live near Central Park" my eyes widened. "Wow, that's actually really cool" I said amazed. She let out a little laugh.

We were talking the whole afternoon without realizing how fast the time went by. Elizabeth was really nice and actually interested in me, not many people were. Around 5:35 pm her phone rang and she noticed the time. Someone named Ashley called her. While she was on the phone, I looked at mine to see if I had any notifications but my phone was dryer than the fucking Sahara. "Yeah, I'll be there in 15" Lizzie said hanging up the phone. "Honey, I've had a really fun afternoon and I loved talking with you but I have to go" she said with a frown. I nodded in understanding and got up off the couch. "If it's okay with you, you could come with. My sister makes the best lasagna, I'm eating at her house and she always makes too much so she wouldn't mind" she offered. I didn't really know what to do. I just met her and even though she was probably the nicest person I'd ever talked to, I still didn't know her, but everything was better than grabbing a trashy takeout to eat by myself so I agreed.

We got in a taxi who drove us to her sisters house. She also lived near Central Park so I'm guessing Elizabeth doesn't live far from her sister. The neighborhood was really nice and looked beautiful, especially around this time. Once we arrived Elizabeth payed the taxi driver and we walked to her sisters door. "What do I owe you from the drive?" I asked following her. "Nothing, don't worry about it hun" she said grabbing my hand and knocking on her sisters door.

"Hey Liz, how are you?" I assumed that was Ashley giving her a hug. "Who's this?" She immediately asked noticing me standing next to Elizabeth. "This is y/n, she's really sweet and loves books just like me" Elizabeth said proudly giving me a wink. "Hi, I'm y/n y/l/n, nice to meet you" I said to Ashley holding out my hand. "Hello y/n, nice to meet you darling" Ashley said excited giving me a hug instead of shaking my hand. "Come on in"

I hung up my jacket and could already smell the food. "It smells amazing" I said softly. Ashley gave me a big smile. When we walked into the living room there was another woman sitting on the couch who looked exactly like Ashley. "Hey Liz, how are you?" She also said hugging Elizabeth. "I'm okay" she said with a slight sigh letting herself fall onto the couch. "Hello I'm y/n y/l/n, nice to meet you, you look exactly like the other woman I just met" I said looking back to the kitchen to Ashley. The woman let out a little giggle. "Well we're twins so that would explain it. Nice to meet you y/n, I'm Mary-Kate but my sisters call me MK." I nodded and sat next to Lizzie on the couch.

"How do you know the girl Liz?" MK asked her. "She walked into me in a bookstore and we started talking getting to know eachother this afternoon" she answered. "Dinners ready girls!" Ashley said from the kitchen. We all sat at the table. Me next to Elizabeth and Ashley and MK next to eachother across from us. "So what's your story y/n, do you live around here?" Ashley asked taking a bite of her lasagna. I looked at Elizabeth before answering her question. "I uhm I moved here two days ago actually so I'm not familiar here" I told them. Lizzie and I never talked about my living situation earlier. "Where did you move from? Are you liking the city so far?" MK now asked. "Yeah the city's beautiful. I moved from Miami." I left out the part of me being completely on my own here and living in a hotel room at the hotel that I'm working at, they don't need to know that.

We finished dinner and I helped Ashley with the dishes. "The lasagna was really really good, probably the best I've ever had. Thank you for dinner" I said washing a plate. "I'm glad you liked it, no problem hun." MK and Elizabeth were in the livingroom talking while the TV was playing some serie. I overheard a small part of their conversation. "She's a good kid for sure, but I feel like there's more to her story than she's telling us" MK said. "Definitely, but I don't wanna push her and scare her off, I like her" Lizzie said in response.

Hearing that I could feel my heartbeat start to pick up and my hands shaking. I was holding a glass and trying to control my breathing. Ashley looked at me and noticed the shaky hands 'cause of the glass I was holding. "Hey y/n, you alright?" She asked. I put the glass down and ran to the hall to find a bathroom. "Come on y/n, just breathe" I whispered to myself. I collapsed on the floor feeling like my heart was gonna explode, when I heard a knock on the door. "Y/n, it's Ashley can you open up please" she said a little concerned. I unlocked the door and looked her in the eyes. She kneeled down in front on me and grabbed my hands. "You're alright darling, breathe with me okay" she took a deep breath and blew it out with me following her instructions. "That's it, you're doing good" she said when I calmed down a bit. "How did you know?" I whispered a little embarrassed. "Liz sometimes had them aswell, you don't need to feel ashamed it happens" Ashley said reassuring me. I thanked her for helping me and got up walking to the livingroom again.

"There you guys are, we were gonna watch a movie, care to join us y/n?" MK asked excitingly. I nodded and sat next to Lizzie on the couch. She put her arm around me pulling me closer to her. I was a little shocked when she did it but I immediately felt comfortable and safe.

After maybe a little too much popcorn and almost half of the movie I felt myself dazing off and actually fell asleep cuddled up against Lizzie. "You guys look cute" MK said noticing us on the couch. Lizzie looked at me being asleep and smiled. "I think one of your biggest dreams is coming true Liz" Ashley said giving MK a wink. "Woah, not too fast Ash, but I really hope so" Lizzie said whispering the last part.

first chapter of the new story. What do we think so far?

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