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Wordcount: 1398

Elizabeth pov

When the movie finished I wasn't sure wether or not I should wake up y/n. She looked really tired the whole day and she just moved so I guess I'll let her get her sleep. MK stayed in Ash her guest bedroom and I decided to stay on the couch with y/n, in case she wakes up. Ashley grabbed us a few blankets and good pillows and within minutes I fell asleep with a 16 y/o child cuddled up against me.

MK and Ashley both know my biggest wish is to become a mom, but unfortunately I'm the unlucky one who can't have kids and not having a w- husband, or wife doesn't help.

Y/n pov

When I opened my eyes I was lying under a few warm blankets and had a nice pillow under my head. I sat up a little more and noticed it was already light outside. "Shit, shit, shit" I jumped up accidentally bumping Lizzie and waking her up. I didn't notice because I was busy looking for my phone to see what time it is. "Slow down honey, what's wrong?" I heard a sleepy voice ask me while Lizzie sat up on the couch. "I'm so sorry I woke you up, do you know what time it is?" Elizabeth looked at her apple watch "7:45am" my eyes widened. "I'm so dead" I whispered while I saw my phone under my pillow. Phones dead, great. "I- uhm I really really have to go, but thank you so so much for inviting me and dinner and the movie and everything please make sure Ashley hears that too and I'll see you around maybe" I said grabbing all of my stuff walking towards the door. "Ashley heard it, what's the hurry?" Ash said walking after me. "I just really have to go, again thank you so much! Bye!" I yelled running out trying to catch a bus back to the hotel I work at.

When I arrived at work it was already 8:30am. I ran inside to my locker and put on the uniform as quick as I could and walked to the front desk. "You're very late y/l/n" my boss, Allen said angry. "I know I'm really sorry, it won't happen again" I said climbing behind the desk and setting up my computer. "No, it won't happen again, because if it will, you're lossing your home and work all at once." Allen said stomping away angrily. I let out a big sigh and pulled myself together. I had a shift at the hotel today from 8:15am till 9:00pm. It never bothers me to work so much, but sometimes the tourists who come here are a nightmare. I speak several languages including English, Spanish and French, but everyday people try to get me to speak one I don't.

At my lunch break I always sit on the staircase in the alley behind the hotel. Once I checked my phone I saw I had a few texts from the Olsen family. We all exchanged numbers yesterday but I didn't think they would care so much.

Ashely asked if her home wasn't comfortable enough for me, which I feel really bad about because it was absolutely amazing. MK texted to say I left my charger at Ash her house and Lizzie asked if everything was okay and if I needed anything from her.

I felt a little overwhelmed by all the concerns and sweet text so I had to get myself together, but I replied to them and headed back to work.

Lizzie pov

Since y/n ran off in a hurry this morning I couldn't help but think about everything that could possibly be going on. Both my sisters also noticed something was off about her this morning but we realized we don't actually know any personal stuff about her. She was very private about her life which I get because we are really just random strangers but I still worried. To keep my mind off of things I went and baked a cake at home. I was thinking maybe I could bring y/n a piece if she likes it so I'll get to know where she lives.

The kitchen was a mess but the cake looked and smelled delicious. Oh and it was delicious. The chocolate on the inside melted out of the piece. I took a photo and sent it to y/n asking if she likes cake and wants me to bring her some. It took her a really long time to answer my text but after a while she said she would love a piece and to meet her at The Plaza Hotel. I smiled at her text, put on my coat and took a taxi to the hotel. Why did she want to meet me there?

Y/n pov

Around 8:05 pm I got another text from Lizzie. This time she sent me a photo of a cake, that to be honest looked so amazing, asking me if I wanted a piece. I wouldn't say no to that. I hesitated in the first place, because she'd have to find out where I work, which automatically leads to her finding out where I live but she seemed nice so I hoped it wouldn't be a big deal. She didn't live really far away, it was about 15 minutes with a taxi. And so I saw Lizzie walking into the hotel at 8:20 pm holding what looked like a piece of cake in aluminum foil. She was looking around checking the couches probably to find me so I gently waved to her when she turned to my desk.

I could see Lizzie was confused but she quickly gave me a smile after letter her expression slip. "Hey honey, why are you behind the desk?" She asked as she walked closer. "I work here" I admitted looking down. "Wow, that's so cool. This hotel is beautiful" I looked up in surprise. That wasn't the reaction I thought I was getting. Most of my life people made fun of me cause I've worked in hotels and all that since I was 10 years old. "Anyways, here's two pieces of my cake. They're still warm" Lizzie said giving me a wink. I smiled and nodded my head. "I'm down with my shift in 7 minutes" I told her. "I'll wait" Elizabeth said sitting down on one of the couches in our lobby.

After I finished my shift I immediately grabbed one piece of cake and ate it. I was so hungry. "This is so good Elizabeth!" I said with my mouth full of chocolate cake. She giggled "glad you like it y/n."

"So do you want me to take you home, say hi to your parents?" Lizzie asked after a few moments of silence. My eyes widened at her question and I was thinking really fast. "Y/n calm down, I can almost hear your thoughts" Lizzie said placing her hand on my thigh. "I uhm- I- I actually also live in this hotel" I struggled to tell her because I didn't want her to worry. "You do? You're 16, where do your parents live?" She asked me confused. "They disappeared without trace. Haven't seen, spoken or heard anything from them in over 5 years." I said carefully. I could see the sadness on Lizzie's face and short after the gave me a warm tight hug. "Are you okay, do you need anything honey?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Can I stay the night at your place by any chance?" I asked Elizabeth breaking the silence. "Of course you can honey, go grab some stuff you need, I'll fix a taxi" she said smiley. I went up to my hotelroom and grabbed a few things I needed before runninf back out but accidentally running into Allen. "Where do you think you're going?" I could tell he was already angry. "Just to a friends place" I told him trying to sneak past his big body in the hallway. "You're an ungrateful child. You have this room for free but don't even stay in it" he spit raising his voice. I took a few steps back. "Is there a problem?" A familiar voice spoke at the end of the hallway.

Fulfilling dreams ~ an Elizabeth Olsen storyWhere stories live. Discover now