episode 1: day 24

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I have been trapped in this prison for 24 days they stopped giving me supply drops after day 14 so I have been killing these monster for food I picked up some powers called skills I think I have two so far they are called hunter I can mask my location and I do x4 damage when I stab something in the back and my second one is called hell fire I can make black flames that can never go out if I don't want it to it also curse the person that have it it will give the other person or monster the cursed affect eternal burn they will burn for ever it will take 15% of their health until they died unless they find holy water or I stop it well this is surviver log 4 Apollo signing off.

I get done writing and I hunted for food I found a giant crab monster I stabbed it hard shell with eases as it drop dead I bring it back to camp and I look for another way out and I did find on one of the sky all ways stay sunny in one spot I made a mark and I looked everywhere and I found my way out a part in the floor is a lot softer than the others  I broke the soft floor and I fell into this cave and at the end of it was big ass door I opened it to be only meet by a girl my age

(a/n btw Apollo he is bi and he is also 16 so yeah there is some knowledge about him)

On a chair looking at me she had red eyes a she is wearing all black her shirt her dress everything was black she stood up and walked up to me and she was right in front of me  she was about 5'5 and I am 7'1 not included my antlers she then started to speak.

???: I am Akira nova I am the demon queen bow down to me you weak human.

I pushed her out of my way not giving a shit as I look for a exit.

Akira: don't ignore me!

She said while pouting.

Apollo: look I am not in the mood alright now where is the exit.

Akira: didn't you come from it?

Apollo: so you telling me I did all that just to free you?!

Akira: what do you mean?

I walked away as she followed me and she seen the false paradise.

Akira: oh wow umm now that I got my magic back I can get out of her and if you want to get out you have to become my loyal servent.

Apollo: fffffine.

Akira: all you need to do is sit still.

I see her walk up to me and kiss me I feel a chain wrap around my neck and wrists.

Akira: think of that as a gift to my loyal servent now let's get out of here.

We teleported to another false paradise.

Apollo: damnit!!

Akira: and now I can't use my powers.

Apollo:  so you telling me I am you servent to only be put inside another prison!!!

Akira: well in till we can get rid of the thing that is blocking me from using my power.

Apollo: damnit!

???: ladies and gentlemen welcome to the false gantlet you have a week to train before you have to fight who ever wins can escape you can only have a party of 2 that means you and one other person good luck and remember find me the void bound!!

Apollo: well shit I guess we better get to training I wonder what is a void bound?

Akira: a void bound is someone that is  bounded with the void makeing them having this power to use the void to there using it really up to the user that is a void bound to shape the void and use it.

Apollo: how can someone get bounded to the void?

Akira: being a kin they have a higher chance of being a void bound.

Apollo: oh I see.

I realized that I might be a void bound I am a kin and I always have this dream where I am in just this black room maybe that is the void?

And so we trained we also found out that Akira can use her powers but can't teleport out because there is nothing that is there it is just empty we trained the entire week and when it was time we all got teleported in a big arena and I got my body ready for the drawbacks that I am about to have I used something called void rig and my entire body get covered in dark magic and I grew stronger but I can't take to many hits or I will die because I take more damnge. I then make I giant fire ball that was enhanced by dark magic and I killed a good bit of people only 3 teams left not including mine.

???: a dark magic user that is rare!

One of the guys said as he rushed forward I doged just in time as I made a sword out of chains and set them ablaze i stabbed him before he could hit me I then started to grow horns similer to Akira's I stared at everyone with no emotions.

Apollo: let the carnage begin!

I yelled as me and Akira rushed forward and we started to kill everyone that tried to kill us.

???: and we have a winner good luck in the new world!!!!

We got teleported to a forest we walked around a bit and we found a Town we walked down and I see kid play next to a fountain and I see people trying to sell something. I see this guy he was about like 7 and I see two guards with him I also see a person with a cloak on about to kill him I used my chains and I kill the cloaked person.

That was episode 1 of ANA (A New Age) season 2 thanks for reading more will come.

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