Moikey's Pregnancy

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Moikey woke up and his stomach felt alive. He wentz to Hot Topic to buy some pregnancy tests. "Great! If I'm preggers, I can fulfill my dream of being on Teen Mom!" He wentz back to his house and pissed all over it. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!! THERE IS A TINY EMO IN MEH!"

He called up Pete but then Patrick answered. He did not know. "HEY PETE I'M PREGNANT WITH AN EMO!!" WHAT DA HOLY SMOKES???!!" Said Patrick "OH NO THIS IS PATRICK, GET PETE" said Moikey. Then Pete got on the phone. "HEY I HERD DA NEWS" yelled Wet Pretzel "YES WE CAN START THE NEXT GENERATION OF EMUS"

Nine fuckin long months passed

That's a fuckin long time

Longer than my dick.

They we're in a Hot Topic. Again. When this happened, "PETE I CAN FEEL THE EMO EMERGING" called Moikey.
"THERE'S NO TIME TO GET TO THE HOSPITAL YOU MUST BIRTH HERE" Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the motherfuckin third called every emo he knew to come see. This included

Genard Way
Ray Toto
Fronk Earlobe
Patrick Tree
Sandy Hurley
Joe Throwman
Breadbin Urine
Ryan Milk
Dadlonglegs Weekes
Spendy Smith
Paul Walker
Kax's Daddy
Josh Done with your shit
TyTy Jospeh
Linds Why
Kitty also done with your shit
Steve, Right?
Jimmith Urie
Billie Hoe Hamstring
Tree Cooler
Bike Dirt
and Avril Lavigne

Anyway, Pete did not know how to get da emo out, since Moikey does not have a baby hole, so he just hoped for the best as all the invited emos sang Welcome to the Black Parade. Then, an emu came out. This was no ordinary emu, but a full grown emo teenager. Genard was all like "TEEENAGERS SCARE THE LIVIN SHIT OUT OF MEH." and stabbed it to death. He ran away to Mexico after that.

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