My feet spread wide, knees touching, and my underwear kicked off to the floor. I'm sweating and shaking from the built up tension.
As soon as I sat on the toilet, my body instinctively tensed up for the anticipated splash to be felt on my rear end. And my instincts never fail. It was a long, runny mess. The rim of my butthole was sore and burning from all the strain. Then by the end of the torturous shït session, I was left with my last poo, using all my might to push the final nugget out of my exhausted anus.
I was on my 3rd flush to conceal the problem of overflow, when I sat back against the lid and realized that I'm in this alone. We live in a world where we can't depend on other people to relieve our problems for us. We are obligated to fend for ourselves even when having to deal with the crisis of diarrhea or the simplest nugget. We are our own heros that have to save ourselves.
I am my own poop doctor.
Poop Doctor
HumorLittle Penny had the nastiest, most foul smelling, bowel movement. Who can help the poor innocent minor with this not-so-innocent poo?